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Ниже показаны 50 результатов, начиная с № 51.

Просмотреть (предыдущие 50) (следующие 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).

Нет совпадений в названиях статей

Совпадения в текстах статей

  1. Публикации Мишина В. М. 1990-1999 гг. (11 511 байтов)
    32: ...t al.] // Substorms-1: Proc. of the First Intern. Conf. on Substorms, (Kiruna, Sweden, 23-27 March, 1992...
    35: ...t al.] // Substorms-1: Proc. of the First Intern. Conf. on Substorms, Kiruna, Sweden, 23-27 March, 1992....
    38: ...t al.] // Substorms-1: Proc. of the First Intern. Conf. on Substorms (Kiruna, Sweden, 23-27 March, 1992)...
    53: ..., T. Saifudinova, S.B. Lunyshkin // Third Intern. Conf. on Substorms (Versailles, France, 12-17 May. 199...
    56: ...COSPAR (Birmingham, England, 14-21 July, 1996): Abstracts. - Birmingham, 1996. - P.211.
  2. Публикации Мишина В. М. 2000-2009 гг. (33 100 байтов)
    7: ...ail lobes /A. Bazarzhapov [et al.] // 5th Intern. Conf. on Substorms (St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-20 May,...
    10: .... Petersburg, Russia, 16-20 May, 2000): Book of Abstracts. - St. Petersburg, 2000. - P.204.
    13: .... Petersburg, Russia, 16-20 May, 2000): Book of Abstracts. - St. Petersburg, 2000. - P.44.
    16: ...orms / A. Bazarzhapov, V.M. Mishin // 5th Intern. Conf. on Substorms (St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-20 May,...
    22: .... Petersburg, Russia, 16-20 May, 2000): Book of Abstracts. - St. Petersburg, 2000. - P.41.
  3. Публикации Мордвинова А.В. 2000-2009 гг. (14 562 байта)
    21: ...gnetic Field / A.V. Mordvinov, L.A. Plyusnina // Astronomy Reports. - 2001. - Vol.45, №8. - P.652-658...
    24: ...lar Irradiance / A.V. Mordvinov, R.C. Willson // Astronomy Letters. - 2001. - Vol.27, №7. - P.451.
    41: ...SA, 10-19 October, 2002. - http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/COSPAR02/01894/COSPAR02-A-01894.pdf
    49: ... during the last millennium: Proc. of the Intern. Conf. - Workshop (Kaunas, Lithuania, May 20, 2003). - ...
    69: ...etic Field / A.V. Mordvinov, L.L. Kitchatinov // Astronomy Reports. - 2004. - Vol.48, №3. - P.254.
  4. Публикации Тащилина А. В. 2000-2009 гг. (24 126 байтов)
    4: ...il lobes / A. Bazarzhapov [et al.] // 5th Intern. Conf. on Substorms (St. Petersburg, Russia, 16-20 May,...
    7: .... Petersburg, Russia, 16-20 May, 2000): book of abstracts. - St. Petersburg, 2000. - P.204.
    10: ...l physics and its applications (Space weather): abstracts of the Russian-Chinese Workshop (Irkutsk, 14-...
    27: ...ospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: abstracts of the VIII Joint Intern. Symp. (Irkutsk, Jun...
    36: ...ospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: abstracts of the VIII Joint Intern. Symp. (Irkutsk, Jun...
  5. Публикации Михалева А.В. 2000-2009гг. (30 502 байта)
    10: ...cale travelling ionospheric disturbances during a strong geomagnetic storm of 6-8 April 2000 / E.L. Afr...
    56: ...ere magnetic storms / A.V. Mikhalev // Solar-Terrestrial Magnetic Activity and Space Environment : proc...
    65: ...scale traveling ionospheric disturbances during a strong geomagnetic storm of 6-8 April 2000 / E.L. Afr...
    68: ...itude atmospheric response to a major geomagnetic strom of 6-8 April 2000 / E.L. Afraimovich [et al.] /...
    79: ... atmosphere during the passage of Leonid s meteor stream on November 16-18, 2001 / A.B. Beletsky, E.L. ...
  6. Публикации Пипина В. В. 2000-2009 гг. (7503 байта)
    4: ...lvedere, V.V. Pipin, G. Rudiger // J. Astrophys. Astr. - 2000. - Vol.21. - P.387-388.
    10: ...2000. - P.361-364. - (Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Ser.; Vol.198)''']]
    13: ... Kepler disks / G. Rudiger, V.V. Pipin // Astron.Astrophys. - 2000. - Vol.362, №3. - P.756-761.
    21: ...dium with anisotropic turbulence / V.V. Pipin // Astronomy Letters. - 2001. - Vol.27. - P.171-175.
    24: ...ne turbulence / V.V. Pipin, G. Rudiger // Astron.Astrophys. - 2001. - Vol.375, №1. - P.149-154.
  7. Требования к объему и оформлению статей для публикации в сборнике «Солнечно-земная физика» (4782 байта)
    19: # Frazier E.N., Stenflo J.O. On the small-scale structure of solar magnetic fields // Ibid. 1972. V. ...
    20: ...tribution of solar flares nonuniform? // Astron. Astrophys. 1997. V. 318. P. 293-307.
    22: ... Sun / Eds. Giampapa M.S. and Bookbinder J.A. ASP Conf. Ser. 1992. V. 26. P. 265–267.
    25: # Hoeksema J.T. Large-scale structure of the heliospheric magnetic field: 1976-19...
    35: creator=Administrator
  8. Тpебования к объему и оформлению статей для публикации в сборнике «Солнечно-земная физика» (4487 байтов)
    16: # Frazier E.N., Stenflo J.O. On the small-scale structure of solar magnetic fields // Ibid. 1972. V. ...
    17: ...tribution of solar flares nonuniform? // Astron. Astrophys. 1997. V. 318. P. 293-307.
    19: ... Sun / Eds. Giampapa M.S. and Bookbinder J.A. ASP Conf. Ser. 1992. V. 26. P. 265–267.
    22: # Hoeksema J.T. Large-scale structure of the heliospheric magnetic field: 1976-19...
    32: creator=Administrator
  9. Доклады в сборниках международных конференций-2009 год (46 623 байта)
    13: ..., 2009. P.237-240. - (Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Ser.; Vol.405)
    15: ... 2009. P. 241-245. - (Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Ser.; Vol.405)
    19: ...c star: on the manifestation of different surface structures in disk-integrated observations // Cosmic ...
    21: ...extreme events in 2003 // 31st Intern. Cosmic Ray conf. (ICRC). Lodz, 2009: proceedings. - Lodz, 2009. P...
    27: ...fic, 2009. P. 131. - (Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Ser.; Vol.405)
  10. Тезисы докладов на международных конференциях-2009 год (24 418 байтов)
    3: ...- 2009. P.EGU2009-3649. - (Geophysical Research Abstracts; Vol.11)
    5: ... A.N. || The possibility of identifying the fine structure of type II radio bursts, caused by focusing...
    7: ...er. June 22-27, 2009, Irkutsk, Russia. Program. Abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2009. P. 15.
    9: ...her. June 22-27, 2009, Irkutsk, Russia. Program Abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2009. P. 15-16.
    11: ...er. June 22-27, 2009, Irkutsk, Russia. Program. Abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2009. P. 25.
  11. Доклады сотрудников ИСЗФ в сборниках международных конференций - 2005 г. (30 849 байтов)
    77: ...h E. L. || The ionospheric response to the sudden strom commencement on October 29, 2003 from GPS and i...
    79: ...of spatial distribution of ionosphere small-scale structure, phase slips and positioning accuracy as de...
    81: ...y internal gravity wave during the major magnetic strom on October 30, 2003, as deduced from data of gl...
    91: ...[et al.] // Space Debris: proc. of the 4th Europ. Conf. (18-20 April 2005, Darmstadt, Germany). - Noordw...
    101: ...3). - Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. - P.219-222. - (Astronomy and Space Science Library;Vol. 320) -
  12. Список публикаций сотрудников ИСЗФ в иностранных журналах - 2005 г. (20 917 байтов)
    7: ...ale traveling ionospheric disturbances during the strong magnetic storm of October 29-30, 2003, accordi...
    13: ...N.S. Meshalkina, G.V. Rudenko [et al.] // Astron.Astrophys. - 2005. - Vol.431, №3. - P.1037-1046.
    19: ...m SOHO/EIT Data / I.M. Chertok, V.V. Grechnev // Astronomy Reports. - 2005. - Vol.49, №2. - P.155.
    25: |12. || Churilov, S. M. || Stability analysis of stratified shear flows with a monotonic velocity prof...
    29: ...M.L. Demidov, V.M. Grigoryev, V.S. Peshcherov // Astronomy Reports. - 2005. - Vol.49, №7. - P.559-566...
  13. Тезисы докладов сотрудников ИСЗФ, представленные на международные конференции ч2- 2004 г. (28 833 байта)
    43: ...ength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersbur...
    45: ...ength investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersbu...
    47: ...ength investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersbu...
    49: ...er (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.9-10.
    51: ...ific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00702 - (CD-ROM)
  14. Тезисы докладов сотрудников ИСЗФ, представленные на международные конференции ч3- 2004 г. (22 575 байтов)
    3: ...oscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract book. - M., 2004. - P.32.
    5: ...ength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersbur...
    7: ...Ledenev, R.A. Sych [et al.] // 7th Latin American Conference n Space Geophysic COLAGE, Atibaia, SP, 29 M...
    9: ...er (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.12.
    11: ... Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts / XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, J...
  15. Доклады сотрудников ИСЗФ в сборниках международных конференций - 2004 г. (23 404 байта)
    7: ... of microwave bursts with different types of fine structure using data with high spatial and spectral r...
    21: ... || The investigation of the solar active regions structure using the multiwave observations with Large...
    23: ... state and dynamics of magnetospheric-ionospheric structures during geomagnetic disturbances / V. Degty...
    25: ...different spectral lines, and diagnostics of fine-structure magnetic elements / M.L. Demidov, R.M. Vere...
    29: ...treams with deep fronts in brightness rays of the streamer belt / M.V. Eselevich, V.G. Eselevich // Mul...
  16. Публикации в сборниках трудов, представленных на международные конференции – 2003г (41 874 байта)
    133: ... atmosphere during the passage of Leonid s meteor stream on November 16-18, 2001 / A.B. Beletsky, E.L. ...
    137: ...2003. - P.133-138. - (Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Ser.; Vol. 286)
    139: ... 2003 - P.177-184. - (Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Ser.; Vol.286)
    141: .... - P. 352-357. - (Astron. Society of the Pacific Conference Series; Vol. 307)
    143: .... - P. 474-479. - (Astron. Society of the Pacific Conference Series; Vol. 307)
  17. Тезисы докладов представленных на международные конференции-2003г (28 529 байтов)
    59: ... Weather (18-19 October 2003, Changhai, China): abstracts. - Changhai, 2003. - P.10.
    61: ...ospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: abstracts of the X Joint Intern. Symp. (Tomsk, June 24-...
    63: ... Weather (18-19 October 2003, Changhai, China): abstracts. - Changhai, 2003. - P.11.
    65: ... Weather (18-19 October 2003, Changhai, China): abstracts. - Changhai, 2003. - P.12.
    67: ... Weather (Changhai, China, 18-19 October 2003): abstracts. - Changhai, 2003. - P.13.
  18. Публикации в сборниках трудов международных конференций-2002г (23 961 байт)
    3: ...B.V. Agalakov, B.I. Lubyshev et al. // Solar-Terrestrial Magnetic Activity and Space Environment. COSPA...
    5: ... Symp. on Laser Metrology Applied to Science, Industry, and Everyday Life (Novosibirsk, Russia, 19-13 S...
    7: ... et al. // XXVII General Assembly of the URSI. Maastricht, the Netherlands, 17-24 August, 2002: proc. -...
    9: ...imovich // XXVII General Assembly of the URSI. Maastricht, the Netherlands, 17-24 August, 2002: proc. -...
    13: ...rngardt // XXVII General Assembly of the URSI. Maastricht, the Netherlands, 17-24 August, 2002: proc. -...
  19. Тезисы докладов, представленные на международные конференции - 2002г (24 285 байтов)
    3: ...ospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: abstracts of the IX Joint Intern. Symp. (Tomsk, July 2-...
    5: ...olar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers: abstracts of the 10th European Solar Physics Meeting (P...
    7: ...f. on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 19-21 June 2002): abstracts and program. - Irkutsk, 2002. - P.16.
    9: ...f. on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 19-21 June 2002): abstracts and program. - Irkutsk, 2002. - P.15.
    11: .... on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 19-21 June, 2002): abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2002. - P.34-35.
  20. Тезисы докладов, представленные на международные конференции ч2- 2002г (16 918 байтов)
    3: ...f. on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 19-21 June 2002): abstracts and program. - Irkutsk, 2002. - P.42.
    5: ...requency Agile Solar Radiotelesope: program and abstracts of the Green Bank workshop (NRAO, Green Bank,...
    7: ...olar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers: abstracts of the 10th European Solar Physics Meeting (P...
    9: ...ospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: abstracts of the IX Joint Intern. Symp. (Tomsk, July 2-...
    11: ...ical education. The increase of Cultural Role of Astronomy on the Edges of Centures. Moscow, May 27-28,...
  21. Тезисы докладов на международных конференциях-2010 год (54 030 байтов)
    1: ...t Research Center on Space Weather: Program and Abstracts. Beijing, 2010. P.20.
    3: ... 15-19, 2010. La Roche - an - Ardenne, Belgium: abstracts. 2010. - http://sidc.oma.be/CESRA2010/program...
    5: ...- an - Ardenne, Belgium: scientific program and abstracts. 2010. P. 87.
    8: ...ic Assembly. Bremen, Germany, 18-25 July, 2010: abstracts. 2010. D22-0046-10
    9: ...ttp://www.cospar-assembly.org/uploads/documents/AbstractCD-2010.iso
  22. Доклады в сборниках международных конференций-2010 год (25 220 байтов)
    49: 25. Altyntsev A.T., Meshalkina, N.S., Yan Y. Fine structure sources in microwaves // Ten - Year Chinese...
    61: ...6 June 2009: proc. AIP, 2010. P.448-452. – (AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1216)
    63: ...6 June 2009: proc. AIP, 2010. P.444-447. – (AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1216)
    65: ...6 June 2009: proc. AIP, 2010. P.416-419. – (AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 1216)
    86: ... Maui, Hawaii: proc. 2010. P.S7-1. - http://lfvn.astronomer.ru/report/0000060/S7-1Molotov.pdf
  23. Статьи, сданные в печать в 2010 г. в зарубежные издания (7143 байта)
    9: ...os in Lake Baikal: results and plans // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. 2010.
    11: ...gaton Volume Detector in Lake Baikal // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. 2010.
    21: ...lationship between CME parameters and large-scale structure of solar magnetic fields // Sun and Geosphe...
    31: ...nication radiochannel // Proc. of the 5-th Inter. conf.. “Ultrawideband and Ultrashort Impulse Signals...
    35: ...in D. Yu., P. N Mager, O.S Marilovtseva, Parallel structure of Pc1 ULF oscilla-tions in multi-ion magne...
  24. Доклады в сборниках международных конференций-2011 год (54 826 байтов)
    1: ...rsion results // Solar Polarization 6. Proc. of a conf. held in Maui, Hawaii, Usa. May 30 - June 4, 2010...
    4: ...igh energy cosmic rays // 32nd Intern. Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2011). August 11-18, 2011, Beijing, Ch...
    5: ...nd in the lower corona // 32nd Intern. Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2011). August 11-18, 2011, Beijing, Ch...
    6: ...of GLE on 15 June 1991 // 32nd Intern. Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2011). August 11-18, 2011, Beijing, Ch...
    7: ... of the solar cycle 24 // 32nd Intern. Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2011). August 11-18, 2011, Beijing, Ch...
  25. Тезисы докладов на международных конференциях-2011 год (121 586 байтов)
    1: ..., Greece, September, 12-16, 2011: programme and abstracts book. Athens. 2011. P.109
    2: ...11. - http://ulysses.physik.uni-kiel.de/sun-360/abstracts_show.php.
    3: ...11. - http://ulysses.physik.uni-kiel.de/sun-360/abstracts_show.php.
    4: ...AR 2011. University of Turku. Kasnäs. Finland: abstracts. 2011. -http://finca.utu.fi/FinCOSPAR11
    5: ...s, Greece, September,12-16, 2011: programme and abstracts book. Athens. 2011. P.63.
  26. Публикации Фирстовой Н. М. 2000-2008гг. (7703 байта)
    2: ... Optical Systems Technology: proc. of the Intern. Conf. - 2000. - P.232-238. - (Proceedings of SPIE; Vol...
    14: ... points" at the Sayan observatory and the Baikal astrophysical observatory / V.I. Skomorovsky [et al.] ...
    20: ...-15, 2001). - 2001. (Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series; Vol.18)
    23: ... surge / N.M. Firstova, L.K. Kashapova // Astron.Astrophys. - 2002. - Vol.388. - P.L17-L19.
    26: ...apova // Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconf.(Vico Equense, Italy, 24-29 September 2001): proc...
  27. Доклады в сборниках международных конференций-2012 год (38 343 байта)
    1: ...Cosmic Ray Symposium (and 32nd Russian Cosmic Ray Conference). Moscow, Russia, July 3-7, 2012:proc. M., ...
    2: ...Cosmic Ray Symposium (and 32nd Russian Cosmic Ray Conference). Moscow, Russia, July 3-7, 2012: proc. M.,...
    5: ...erlag, Berlin Heidelberg. 2012. P. 165-178. – (Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. Vol. 30).
    7: ... M. Karp, S. Cohen, I. G. Shukhman // 52nd Annual Conf. on Aerospace Sciences 2012. Tel-Aviv - Haifa, 29...
    8: ... of ionospheric disturbances generated by exhaust streams of the transport spacecraft rogressengines //...
  28. Тезисы докладов на международных конференциях-2012 год (83 428 байтов)
    1: ...ay Conference). Moscow, Russia, July 3-7, 2012: abstracts. M., 2012 - http://ecrs2012.sinp.msu.ru/
    2: ...on Space Weather. Irkutsk, 3-8 September, 2012: abstracts. Irkutsk, 2012. P.3.
    3: ...ens. Fodele Beach, Crete, Greece 4-7 July 2012: abstracts. 2012. P.7. - https://habu.pst.qub.ac.uk/grou...
    4: ...tific Assembly. Mysore, India, 14-22 July 2012: abstracts. Mysore, 2012. P.PSW.1-0017-12. - http://www....
    5: ...on Space Weather. Irkutsk, 3-8 September, 2012: abstracts. Irkutsk, 2012. P.31.
  29. Публикации Скоморовского В.И. 2010-2012 гг. (5661 байт)
    3: ...entre de Congres Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France. Conf. 7828. Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adap...
    4: ... Ground - Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III. San-Diego, California, USA, June 27, 20...
    20: ...// Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy: SPIE, 2012. P.84466V-1-84466V-12. - (Procee...
  30. Публикации Кашаповой Л. К. 2011-2012 гг. (12 097 байтов)
    3: ... proc. - New York: AIP, 2010. - P.448-452. - (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1216)
    5: ...ronal holes with active regions // Bull. Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. - 2010. - Vol.106, №1. - ...
    16: ...the 18 March 2003 solar flare // Central European strophysical Bulletin. - 2011. - Vol.35, №1. - P.12...
    17: ...ions from near - Mars and near - Earth orbits // Astronomy Reports. - 2011. - Vol.55, №6. - P.551.
    18: ... RATAN-600 and STEREO spacecraft observations // Astronomy Reports. - 2011. - Vol.55, №10. - P.918-92...
  31. Публикации Обухова А. Г. 2010-2012 гг. (2792 байта)
    8: ...кова - Шеннона // 2011 netrn. Siberian Conf. on Control and Communications (SIBCON). - Krasno...
  32. Публикации Магер О. В. 2010-2012 гг. (2209 байтов)
    7: ...W2011). Hangzhou, China, September 18-23, 2011: abstracts. - 2011. - <nowiki>http://icsssw2011.csp.esci...
  33. Публикации Лубышева Б. И. 2010-2012гг. (2986 байтов)
    4: ...кова - Шеннона // 2011 netrn. Siberian Conf. on Control and Communications (SIBCON). - Krasno...
  34. Доклады в сборниках международных конференций-2013 год (55 603 байта)
    5: ...ellite temperature measurements during the sudden stratospheric warmings over Siberia and the Russian F...
    6: ...the transportation applications // Second Intern. Conf. on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS ...
    8: ...ing of ionospheric disturbances caused by exhaust streams of " Progress" cargo spacecraft // Intern. Sy...
    9: ...HF electromagnetic field // 2013 IX International conference on “Antenna theory and techniques”. ICA...
    10: ...effect and diamagnetic pumping // IAU Symp. 294 "Astrophysical dynamos and magneic activity". 27-31 Aug...
  35. Тезисы докладов на международных конференциях-2013 год (113 021 байт)
    5: ...SS 2013. 8-9 July 2013. Logomo, Turku, Finland: abstracts. 2013. - [http://theory.physics.helsinki.fi/~...
    6: ...WW10). November 18-22, 2013. Antverp., Belgium: abstracts. 2013. - [http://stce.be/esww10/index.php htt...
    7: ..., 2013. P.EGU2013-1683. - (Geophysical Research Abstracts; Vol.15)
    8: ... Meeting. October 24-26, 2013. Hangzhou, China: abstracts. 2013. - [http://sdac.nju.edu.cn/~solar/ http...
    9: .... September 2-6, 2013. Nauchny, Crimea: book of abstracts. Kiev, 2013. P.8-9. - [http://solar.crao.crim...
  36. Доклады в сборниках международных конференций-2014 год (15 831 байт)
    1: ...t O.I., Podlesny A.V., Kotovich G.V. Dynamics and structure of the vertical ionospheric disturbances ca...
    3: ...apers of the International conference "Fluxes and Structures in Fluids - 2013". M.: MAKS Press, 2014. P...
    4: ... Astron. Soc. of the Pacific, 2014. P. 21. - (ASP Conf. Series; Vol.489).
    6: ...cecraft engine exhaust jets effects // IV Intern. Conf. "Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Safety" (AIS-2014). Jun...
    7: ...nt latitudes during Solstice period // IV Intern. Conf. "Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Safety" (AIS-2014). Jun...
  37. Тезисы докладов на международных конференциях-2014 год (74 471 байт)
    1: ...pdf http://ulysses.physik.uni-kiel.de/ECRS-2014/abstracts_book.pdf]
    2: ...fic Assembly. 2-10 August 2014, Moscow, Russia: abstracts. M., 2014. P. E2.2-0026-14. [https://www.cosp...
    3: ...p://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/?page_id=2750 http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/?page_id=2750]
    4: ...y- 1 August, 2014. Royton Sapporo Hotel, Japan: abstracts. Sapporo, 2014. P. ST04-06-D2-PM2-P-030(ST04-...
    5: ...fic Assembly. 2-10 August 2014, Moscow, Russia: abstracts. M., 2014. P. D2.3-0041-14. [https://www.cosp...
  38. Доклады в сборниках международных конференций-2015 (51 682 байта)
    5: ...Ratovsky K.G., Stepanov A.E. The stratosphere Jet stream effects in high - latitude ionosphere accordin...
    6: ...ree velocity profile // Intern. Conf. "Fluxes and Structures in Fluids": proc. 2015. P. 49-52.
    11: ...ichenko K., Belousova E.P., Kovalenko V.A. Wind - stress effect on the relationships between sea surfac...
    13: ...y of turbulence and optical instability in stably stratified Earth's atmosphere // Proceedings SPIE. Be...
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  43. Публикации Башкирцева В.С. (30 206 байтов)
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  45. Публикации Демидова М.Л. (66 977 байтов)
    24: ...solar magnetic fields at the Sayan observatory: instrument, plans, preliminary results / V.M. Grigoryev...
    62: ...F. Osak, V.S. Peshcherov // Contributions of the Astronomical observatory Skalnate Pleso: Proc. of the ...
    84: .../ Solar Interior and Atmosphere: programme and abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Tuscon, Arizona, Novem...
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  48. Публикации Кобанова Н. И. (66 040 байтов)
    66: ... В.М. Григорьев // Physics Solari-Terrestrial, Potsdam, 1980, V.4, No 14, 77-80.</li>
    93: ...ns in the solar photosphere using the velocity substraction technique / N. I. Kobanov // Sol. Physics. ...
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  49. Публикации Полякова В.И. (28 796 байтов)
    52: ...G. Zandanov // Wordl Data Center A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Collected Data Reports for STIP Inter...
    82: ...Palamartchuk, V.I. Polyakov // Physica solariterrestris – 1980.- № 14 – P.112.</li>
    87: ...nd H 4861A / IAU Symposium № 138 , Kiev,USSR: abstracts. - 1981. - P.580.</li>
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    140: ...горьев [и др.] // Contributions of the Astronomical observatory Skalnate Pleso: proc. of the ...
  50. Публикации Томозова В.М. (64 897 байтов)
    121: ...lar flare / V.M. Tomozov // Contributions of the Astronomical observatory Skalnate Pleso: proc. of the ...
    129: ...asma effects for origin of high-velocity spectral structures in the galactic masers: preprint IKI / V.V...
    140: ...claw, Poland, 25-30 Sept., 1978): programme and abstracts. - Wroclaw, 1978. - P.43.</li>
    157: ...ha, V.M. Charugin, V.M. Tomozov // Astronomy and Astrophysics. – 1979. – Vol.79. – P.306-311.</li...
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