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Afraimovich E.L, Lesyuta O.S., Ushakov I.I., Voeykov S.V. Geomagnetic storms and the occurrence of phase slips in the reception of GPS signals // Ann. Geophys. * Afraimovich E.L, Lesyuta O.S., Voeykov S.V. GPS phase slips on L1-L2 and L1 frequencies during geomagnetic disturbances // Proc. of Inter. Beacon Satellite Symp., June 4-6, 2001. Boston College , Inst. for Scientific Res., Chestnut Hill, MA, USA. * Afraimovich E.L., Altynsev A.T., Grechnev V.V., Leonovich L.A. The response of the ionospheric to faint and bright solar flares as deduced from global GPS network data // Ann. Geophys. * Afraimovich E.L., Altyntsev A.T., Grechnev V.V., Leonovich L.A. Ionospheric effects of the solar flares as deduced from global GPS network data // Adv.Space Res. * Afraimovich E.L., Ashkaliev Ya. F., Aushev V.M., Beletsky A.B., Vodyannikov V.V., Leonovich L.A., Lesyuta O.S., Mikhalev A.V., Yakovets A.F. Simultaneous radio and optical observations of the mid-latitude atmospheric response to a major geomagnetic storm of 6-8 April 2000 // J. Atmos.Solar-Terr. Phys. * Afraimovich E.L., Demyanov V.V., Kondakova T.N. Degradation of GPS performance in geomagnetically disturbed conditions // LANL e-print archive 02.http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/0211015. * Afraimovich E.L., Karachenschev V.A. Testing of the transionospheric radiochannel using data from the global GPS network // LANL e-print archive. * Afraimovich E.L., Kosogorov E.A., Leonovich L.A., Lesyuta O.S., Ushakov I.I. GPS detection of the instantaneous response of the global to strong magnetic storms with sudden commencement // Ann. Geophys. * Afraimovich E.L., Kosogorov E.A., Lesyuta O.S. Effects of the August 11, 1999 total solar eclipse as deduced from total electron content measurements at the GPS // J. Atmos.Solar-Terr. Phys. * Afraimovich E.L., Kosogorov E.A., Perevalova N.P., Plotnikov A.V. Comparison of TEC response of the shock - acoustic waves generated during rocket launchings, by earthquakes and exhljsions // Proc. of Intern. Beacon Satellite Symp., June 4-6, 2001. Boston College, Inst. for Scientific Research, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA. * Afraimovich E.L., Kosogorov E.A., Perevalova N.P., Plotnikov A.V. The use of GPS-arrays in detecting shock-acoustic waves generated during rocket launchings // J. Atmos.Solar-Terr. Phys. * Afraimovich E.L., Lesyuta O.S. Instantaneous global ionospheric response to a sudden commencement of the strong magnetic storms // Proc. of Inter. Beacon Satellite Symp., June 4-6, 2001. Boston College, Inst. for Scientific Res., Chestnut Hill, MA, USA.
Afraimovich E.L., Lesyuta O.S. The instantaneous and delayed ionospheric response to magnetic storms as deduced from global network data // Third Russian -Chinese Conf. on Space Weather. Irkutsk, 19-21 June 2002. Abstracts. Irkutsk, * Afraimovich E.L., Lesyuta O.S., Lipko Y.Y., Perevalova N.P., Voeykov S.V. The morphology of total electron content pulsation in the ionosphere // http://hawk.iszf.irk.ru/ URSI 12002/Gabstracts/papers/p0196.pdf * Afraimovich E.L., Perevalova N.P., Voyeikov S.V. Traveling wave packets of total electron content disturbances as deduced from global GPS network data // LANL e-print archive * Altyntsev A.T., Chugui Yu.V., Kirjianov V.P., Potashnikov A.K., Potaturkin O.I., Tishenko Yu.N., Zandanov V.G. Use of Laser Technologies for Modernization of the Sibirian Solar Radio Telescope // Proc. of SPIE, * Altyntsev A.T., Grechnev V.V., Meshalkina N.S., Sych R.A. and Yan Yihua Clusters of subsecond microwave pulses in relation to the flare development and spatial structure // Third Russian-Chinese conf. on Space Weather, 19-21 June 2002. Abstracts. Program. Irkutsk, * Altyntsev A.T., Grechnev V.V., Meshalkina N.S., Sych R.A. and Yan Yihua Observations of flare events with high spectral and spatial resolution // Third Russian-Chinese conf. on Space Weather, 19-21 June 2002. Abstracts. Program. Irkutsk, * Altyntsev A.T., Sych R.A., Grechnev V.V., Meshalkina N.S., Rudenko G.V. A flare of 23 September 1998: relation between temporal and spatial structures // Solar Phys., * Astafieva E.I., Afraimovich E.L. Searching for earthquake precursors in total electron content variations in the ionosphere using data from the global GDS network // http://hawk.iszf.irk.ru/ URSI12002/GAabstracts/papers/p0205.pdf
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