Электронные публикации-2014 год
Материал из ISTP SB RAS.
- Afanasyev A.N., Nakariakov V.M. Nonlinear slow magnetoacoustic waves in coronal plasma structures // Solar Physics E-Print Archive. 2014. - http://solar.physics.montana.edu/cgi-bin/eprint-new/index.pl?entry=24757
- Akhtemova Z.S., Andreyeva, O.A., Rudenko G.V., Stepanian N.N., Fainshtein V.G. Variations over time in latitudinal distribution of the large-scale magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere at heights from the photosphere to the source surface // Adv. Space Research. 2014. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.09.036
- Berngardt O.I., Voronov A.L., Grkovich K. Optimal signals for spectral measurements at EKB SuperDARN radar: Theory and Experiment: electronic resource // arXiv-org. 2014. arXiv:1409.6053v1 . - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.6053.pdf
- Berngardt O.I. Seismo - ionospheric effects associated with "Chelyabinsk" meteorite during the first 25 minutes after its fall: electronic resource // arXiv-org. 2014. arXiv:1409.5927v1.- http://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.5927.pdf
- Berngardt O.I., Kotovich G.V., Mikhailov S.Y., Podlesny A.V. Dynamics of vertical ionospheric inhomogeneties over Irkutsk during 06:00 - 06:2OUT 11/03/2011 caused by the Tohoku earthquake: electronic resource // arXiv-org. 2014. arXiv:1407.1488v1.- http://arxiv.org/pdf/1407.1488.pdf
- Cano Z., de Ugarte Postigo A., Pozanenko A., Butler N., Klunko E., et. al. A Trio of GRB - SNe: GRB 120729A, GRB 130215A/SN2013ez and GRB 130831a/SN2013fu // arXiv.org. - 2014. - Ст. arXiv:1405.3114v1. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.3114.pdf
- Chertok I.M., Abunina M.A., Abunin A.A., Belov A.V., Grechnev V.V. Relationship Between the Magnetic Flux of Solar Eruptions and the Ap Index of Geomagnetic Storms // Solar Physics. 2014. DOI 10.1007/s11207-014-0618-3
- Fainshtein V.G., Egorov Y.I. Initiation of CMEs associated with filament eruption, and the nature of CME related shocks //Adv. Space Research. 2014. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.05.019.
- Guglielmi A.V., Potapov A.S. On permanent and sporadic oscillations of the magnetosphere // arXiv.org. - 2014. - arXiv:1408.2916
- Grechnev V.V., Uralov A.M., Kuzmenko I.V., Kochanov A.A., Chertok I.M., Kalashnikov S.S. Responsibility of a Filament Eruption for the Initiation of a Flare, CME, and Blast Wave, and its Possible Transformation into a Bow Shock // Solar Physics. 2014. DOI 10.1007/s11207-014-0621-8
- Karak B.B., Kitchatinov L.L., Choudhuri A.R. A dynamo model of magnetic activity in solar - like stars with different rotational velocities // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1402.1874v1. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.1874.pdf
- Karavaev Yu.S. - http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/light_curve/show_object; http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/db_search/show_by_date?utf8=%E2%9C%93&start_date=&end_date=&observatory_code=C48+--Sayan+Solar+Observatory%2C+Irkutsk&obj_type=all - наблюдения астероидов 2013XG3, 2008SE182, 2014UQ115,2008WZ18,46637,275677.
- Kitchatinov L.L., Moss D., Sokoloff D.D. Magnetic fields in fully convective M- dwarfs: oscillatory dynamos vs bistability // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1401.1764v1. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1401.1764.pdf
- Kitchatinov L.L. Baroclinic instability in stellar radiation zones // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1401.8068v2. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1401.8068.pdf _
- Kitchatinov L.L. The solar dynamo: inferences from observations and modeling // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1404.4126v1. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.4126.pdf
- Klein K. -L., Masson S., Bouratzis C., Grechnev V.V., Hillaris A., Preka-Papadema P. The relativistic solar particle event of 2005 January 20: prompt and delayed particle acceleration // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1403.2260v1. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.2260.pdf
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.17035. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/17035.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16976. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16976.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16943. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16943.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16817. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16814.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16403. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16403.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16281. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16281.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16260. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16260.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16251. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16251.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16247. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16247.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16168. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16168.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16141. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16141.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16054. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16054.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16037. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16037.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16036. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16036.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.16012. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/16012.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15998. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15998.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15995. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15995.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15994. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15994.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15917. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15917.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15893. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15893.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15890. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15890.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15876. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15876.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15807. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15807.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15744. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15744.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15713. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15713.gcn3
- Klunko E., Eselevich M., Korobtsev I., et al. GCN Circular No.15704. 2014. - http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/15704.gcn3
- Kobanov N.I., Kolobov D. Y., Chelpanov A.A. Oscillations above sunspots and faculae: height stratification and relation with coronal fan structure // Solar Physics. 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11207-014-0623-6
- Kosovichev A.G., Pipin V.V., Zhao J. Helioseismic constraints and a paradigm shift in the solar dynamo // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1402.1901v1. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.1901.pdf
- Kuznetsov A.A., Kontar E.P. Spatially Resolved Energetic Electron Properties for the 21 May 2004 Flare from Radio Observations and 3D Simulations // Solar Physics. 2014. DOI 10.1007/s11207-014-0530-x
- Lesovoi S.V., Altyntsev A.T., Ivanov E.F., Gubin A.V. 96- antenna radioheliograph // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1403.4748v1. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.4748.pdf _
- Nita G. M., Fleishman G.D., Kuznetsov A. A., Kontar E. P., Gary D. E. 3D Radio and X-Ray Modeling and Data Analysis Software: Revealing Flare Complexity // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. eprint arXiv:1409.0896
- Pipin V.V., Pevtsov A. Magnetic helicity of global field in cycles 23 and 24 // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1402.2386v2. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.2386.pdf
- Ratovsky K.G., Medvedev A.V., Tolstikov M.V. Diurnal, seasonal and solar activity pattern of ionospheric variability from Irkutsk Digisonde data // Adv. Space Research. 2014. Doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2014.08.001
- Romanova D.V., Romanova K.V., Romanova V.A., Kucherova N.V., Eselevich V.G., Eselevich M.V. On the possible reason for the formation of impulsive coronal mass ejections // Adv. space research. 2014. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2014.09.017
- Rudiger, G., Schultz M., Kitchatinov L.L. Magnetic diffusivity and angular momentum transport in magnetized and differentially rotating stellar radiation // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1404.352v1. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.3562.pdf _
- Yuan D., Sych R.A., Reznikova V.E., Nakariakov V.M. Multi - height observations of magnetoacoustic cut - off frequency in a sunspot atmosphere // arXiv.org. 2014. Ст. arXiv:1211.5196v2. - http://arxiv.org/pdf/1211.5196.pdf
- Zagainova Iu.S., Fainshtein V.G. How do fast impulse CMEs related to powerful flares but unrelated to eruptive filaments appear and move? //Adv. Space Research. – doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2014.05.032._
- Zhdanov D.A., Zandanov V.G. Observations of Microwave Fine Structures by the Badary Broadband Microwave Spectropolarimeter and the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope // Solar Physics. 2014. DOI 10.1007/s11207-014-0553