1. Abramov, V. G. Software-hardware system for measurements of quadrature components of radiostations signals / V.G. Abramov, O.I. Berngardt, D.S. Kushnarev // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.211.
2. Afraimovich, E. L. A response of the mid-latitude ionosphere to propagation of the atmospheric gravity wave / E.L. Afraimovich, A.F. Yakovets [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.188.
3. Afraimovich, E. L. Response of global electron content to solar activity changes / E.L. Afraimovich, E.I. Astafieva, I.V. Zhivet'ev, Yu.V. Yasukevich // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts / XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.199.
4. Afraimovich, E. L. Anomalies of diurnal variations of total electron content before earthquakes / E.L. Afraimovich, E.I. Astafieva, N.S. Gavrilyuk, I.V. Zhivet'ev // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.200.
5. Afraimovich, E. L. Total electron content variations during typhoon August 7-11, 2006 near south-eastern coast of China / E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voeykov, A.B. Ishin, N.P. Perevalova // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.201.
6. Afraimovich, E. L. Ionospheric transfer characteristics for transionospheric radio signals as deduced from two-frequency GPS radiosoundings and IRI-2001 modeling / E.L. Afraimovich, Yu.V. Yasukevich, P.V. Tatarinov // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.227-228.
7. Afraimovich, E. L. Total failures of GPS functioning caused by the powerful solar radio emission during solar flares on December 6th / E.L. Afraimovich, N.S. Gavrilyuk, G. Ya. Smolkov // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.2.
8. Afraimovich, E. L. Global electron content and solar activity / E.L. Afraimovich, E.I. Astafieva [et al.] // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.40-41.
9. Afraimovich, E. L. Adaptive radio astronomy / E.L. Afraimovich, Yu.V. Yasukevich // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.52.
10. Afraimovich E.L. Statistical study of large scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by GPS TEC during major magnetic storms during over 2003-2005 / E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voeykov, N.P. Perevalova, F. Ding, W. Wan [et al.] // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.54.
11. Afraimovich, E. L. Faraday amplitude modulation of solar radio emission in the ionosphere and method of its correction / E.L. Afraimovich, C. Nomicos, Yu.Ya. Ruzhin, Yu.V. Yasukevich // Geophysical Research Abstracts. - 2007. - Vol.9. - EGU2007-A-01945.
12. Afraimovich E.L. On possibility of seismic VHF network calibration by simultaneous observations of solar flare radio emission at spaced sites / Yu.Ya. Ruzhin, C. Nomicos [et al.] // Geophysical Research Abstracts. - 2007. - Vol.9. - EGU2007-A-04801.
13. Afraimovich E.L. The transionosphere propagation effects on solar flare VHF radio emission at spaced sites / Yu.Ya. Ruzhin, C. Nomicos [et al.] // Earth: Our Changing Planet. XXIV General IUGG Assembly (Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007): abstarcts. - 2007. - P.469.
14. Afraimovich, E. L. IRI modeling of ionosphere transfer characteristics for radio astronomical signals and space weather impact / E.L. Afraimovich, Yu.V. Yasukevich, E.I. Astafieva, P.V. Tatarinov // IRI/COST 296 Workshop. Ionosphere - Modelling, Forcing and Telecommunication: abstracts of the Intern. Conf. (Prague, Czech Republic, 10-14 July, 2007). - Prague, 2007. - P.24.
15. Afraimovich, E. L. Global electron content: a new conception to track solar activity / E.L. Afraimovich, E.I. Astafieva [et al.] // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk : IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.4.
16. Afraimovich, E. L. GPS performance quality during strong solar flares on December 6, 2006, and October 28, 2003 / E.L. Afraimovich, G.Ya. Smolkov, N.S. Gavrilyuk // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.4-5.
17. Afraimovich, E. L. Ionosphere transfer characteristic for radio astronomical signals as deduced from GPS Radio-sounding, ionosphere IRI-2001, and magnetic field IGRF-10 modeling / E.L. Afraimovich, C. Nomikos [et al.] // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.20-21.
18. Aleshkov, V. M. Sayan mountain spectrographic complex of Neutron Monotors of ISTP SB RAS / V.M. Aleshkov, V.M. Dvornikov, A.A. Lukovnikova, V.E. Sdobnov // Solar Extreme Events 2007: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects: program and abstracts of the Intern. Symp. SEE 2007 (Athens, Greece, 24-27 September, 2007). - Athens, 2007. - P.99.
19. Altyntsev, A. T. Fine structures in Cm-emission spectrum as response o fragmental flare energy release / A.T. Altyntsev, N.S. Meschalkina, Y. Yan // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.17-18.
20. Altyntsev, A. T. Impulsive response of cm-emission to fragmented energy release in flares / A.T. Altyntsev, N.S. Meschalkina, Yan Yihua // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.5.
21. Altyntsev, A. T. On fluxes of high energy electrons in flare loops / A.T. Altyntsev // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk : IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.6.
22. Astafieva, E. I. Ionosphere redistribution during strong geomagnetic storms as seen by the CHAMP. TOPEX and Jason-1 / E.I. Astafieva, P.V. Tatarinov // IRI/COST 296 Workshop. Ionosphere - Modelling, Forcing and Telecommunication: abstracts of the Intern. Conf. (Prague, Czech Republic, 10-14 July, 2007). - Prague, 2007. - P.27.
23. Astafieva, E. I. Responce of global and regional ionosphere electron content to solar activity changes / E.I. Astafieva, E.L. Afraimovich, I.V. Zhivet'ev, Yu.V. Yasukevich // Earth: Our Changing Planet. XXIV General IUGG Assembly (Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.474.
24. Astafieva, E. I. Response of the low-latitude ionosphere to strong geomagnetic storms in 2000-2005 / E.I. Astafieva // Earth: Our Changing Planet. XXIV General IUGG Assembly (Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.562.
25. Astafieva, E. I. The equatorial ionization anomaly under geomagnetically disturbed conditions / E.I. Astafieva // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts / XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.196-197.
26. Beletsky, A. B. Irregular variations of the atmosphere emission 558 nm during different geophysical events / A.B. Beletsky // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.59.
27. Beletsky, A. B. Irregular variations of the atmospheric emission of 558 nm during different geophysical events / A. B. Beletsky // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.197.
28. Berngardt, O. I. Investigations of fine structure of coherent echo spectra using Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter Radar data / O.I. Berngardt, A.P. Potekhin // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.12.
29. Berngardt O.I. Study of dynamic processes in the mid-latitude and subavroral ionosphere during solstices / S.B. Kascheev, O.I. Berngardt [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.211-212.
30. Chupin, S. A. Earth's atmosphere distorting influence when observing sun oscillatory-wave processes / S.A. Chupin, N.I. Kobanov // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.110.
31. Churilov, S. M. Stability analysis of shear flows with a monotonic velocity profile without inflection points in continuously stratified media / S.M. Churilov // Intern. Conf. "Fluxes and Structures in Fluids" (St. Petersburg, July 2-5, 2007): abstracts. - St. Petersburg, 2007. - P.25-28.
32. Demidov, M. L. A study of Stokes line profiles short-period variations in the Sun-as-a-star magnetic field observations / M.L. Demidov // 5th Solar Polarization Workshop (Ascona, Switzerland, 17-21 September, 2007): scientific program and abstract book. - Ascona, 2007. - P.67.
33. Demidov, M. L. An extended line-ratio method application: comparison of large-scale solar magnetic field observations in different spectral lines and observatories / M.L. Demidov, E.M. Golubeva, R.M. Veretsky // 5th Solar Polarization Workshop (Ascona, Switzerland, 17-21 September, 2007): scientific program and abstract book. - Ascona, 2007. - P.68.
34. Demidov, M. L. Research into time variations of reducing coefficients when comparing solar magnetic fields according to data from different observatories / M.L. Demidov, E.M. Golubeva // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.14.
35. Devyatova, E. V. Arctic oscillation and geomagnetic activity / E.V. Devyatova, A.S. Ivanova, V.I. Mordvinov // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.213-214.
36. Dvornikov, V. M. Variations of the rigidity spectrum and cosmic ray anisotropy in December 2006 / V.M. Dvornikov, V.E. Sdobnov // Solar Extreme Events 2007: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects: program and abstracts of the Intern. Symp. SEE 2007 (Athens, Greece, 24-27 September, 2007). - Athens, 2007. - P.29.
37. Dvornikov V.M. Estimation of the solar proton spectrum in the GLE70 event / V.G. Grigoryev, S.A. Starodubtsev, V.M. Dvornikov, V.E. Sdobnov // Solar Extreme Events 2007: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects: program and abstracts of the Intern. Symp. SEE 2007 (Athens, Greece, 24-27 September, 2007). - Athens, 2007. - P.30.
38. Dvornikov, V. M. The method of forecast of solar proton events / V.M. Dvornikov, M. Kravtsova, A.A. Lukovnikova, V.E. Sdobnov // Solar Extreme Events 2007: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects : program and abstracts of the Intern. Symp. SEE 2007 (Athens, Greece, 24-27 September, 2007). - Athens, 2007. - P.89-90.
39. Dvornikov, V. M. Variations of Angular Distribution of Cosmic Rays during GLE Period on January 20, 2005 / V.M. Dvornikov, A.A. Lukovnikova [et al.] // 30th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. (ICRC'07. Merida, Mexico). - 2007. - (CD-ROM)
40. Dvornikov, V. M. Variations of parameters of rigidity spectrum of cosmic rays during events of January, 2005 / V.M. Dvornikov, M. Kravtsova [et al.] // 30th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. (ICRC'07. Merida, Mexico). - 2007. - (CD-ROM)
41. Eselevich, M. V. Disturbed region and shock wave caused by a coronal mass ejection / M.V. Eselevich, V.G. Eselevich // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.33.
42. Eselevich, V. G.
The new phenomena in solar-terrestrial physics / V.G. Eselevich // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.33
43. Fainshtein, V. G. Expansion of coronal mass ejection within LASCO field of view: some regularities / V.G. Fainshtein // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.33.
44. Fainshtein, V. G. On feasibility of "local" measurements of electron density in the solar corona according to SOHO/LASCO data / V.G. Fainshtein, V.A. Leonovich // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.34.
45. Fainshtein, V. G. Some properties of distributions on the latitutde of K- and F- corona brightness according to LASCO data / V.G. Fainshtein // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.34.
46. Firstova, N. M. Impact linear polarization on impulsive phase of proton flare observations with high spatial resolution / N.M. Firstova, V.I. Polyakov, A.V. Firstova // 5th Solar Polarization Workshop (Ascona, Switzerland, 17-21 September, 2007): scientific program and abstract book. - Ascona, 2007. - P.44.
47. Firstova, N. M. Observation of an impact linear polarization in flares / N.M. Firstova, V.I. Polyakov, A.V. Firstova // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.19.
48. Golovko, A. A. Variations of fractal parameters of active regions nd solar flares occurence / A.A. Golovko, I.I. Salakhutdinova // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.39.
49. Grechnev, V. V. Absorption phenomena and a probable blast wave caused by a partially failed CME / V.V. Grechnev, A.M. Uralov [et al.] // SOHO 20 - Transient Events on the Sun and in the Heliosphere: abstracts of the Intern. Conf. (Ghent, Belgium, 27-31 August, 2007). - 2007.
50. Grechnev, V. V. Homologous proton events of 15-20 January 2005 and 13-14 December 2006 / V.V. Grechnev, I.M. Chertok [et al.] // SOHO 20 - Transient Events on the Sun and in the Heliosphere: abstracts of the Intern. Conf. (Ghent, Belgium, 27-31 August, 2007). - 2007.
51. Grechnev, V. V. The 20 January 2005 big proton event and relations between microwave bursts and proton fluxes / V.V. Grechnev, V.G. Kurt [et al.] // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.10.
52. Grechnev V.V. Observations of post-eruptive arcades on the Sun with the radio telescope RATAN-600 / V.N. Borovik, V.V. Grechnev [et al.] // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.22.
53. Grechnev V.V. CME-associated EUV dimmings caused by filament eruptions outside of active regions / I.M. Chertok, V.V. Grechnev // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.20.
54. Grigoryev, V. M. Dynamics of line-of-sight velicity and magnetic field in solar photosphere during appearance of great active region NOAA 10488 / V.M. Grigoryev, L.V. Ermakova, A.I. Khlystova // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk : IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.41
55. Grigoriev V.M. Possibility of adaptive optics application for solar telescope / V.P. Lukin, V.M. Grigoryev, P.G. Kovadlo, V.I. Skomorovsky [et al.] // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.72.
56. Grigoriev, V.M. Benard cells and the stochastization scenario / V.V. Nosov, V.M. Grigoryev, P.G. Kovadlo [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.76-77.
57. Grigoriev V.M. Intensity of incipient turbulence / V.V. Nosov, V.M. Grigoryev, P.G. Kovadlo [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.77-78.
58. Grigoriev V.M. Frequency spectra on temperature fluctuations in the incipient turbulence / V.V. Nosov, V.M. Grigoryev, P.G. Kovadlo [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.103-104.
59. Grigoriev V.M. Outer and internal scales of incipient convective turbulence / V.V. Nosov, V.M. Grigoryev, P.G. Kovadlo [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.104-105.
60. Grigoriev V.M. Astroclimate of specialized stations of the large solar vacuum telescope / V.V. Nosov, V.M. Grigoryev, P.G. Kovadlo, [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.105.
61. Grigoriev, V. M. Intradome astroclimate of telescope AZT-14 in Sayan solar observatory / V.V. Nosov, V.M. Grigoryev, P.G. Kovadlo [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.225
62. Grozov, V. P. Processing and interpretation of vertical sounding ionogram for ionosphere diagnostics on the base of chirp ionosonder / V.P. Grozov, G.V. Kotovich, S.Y. Mikhailov // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.196.
63. Fainstein V.G. Relationship between the origin and propagation of CME and large-scale structure of solar magnetic fields / E.V. Ivanov, V.G. Fainshtein, G.V. Rudenko // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.48.
64. Ilyin N.V. Some results of temperature and fluid flow velocity measurements in Baikal by coherent registration technique of acoustic pulses form / L.V. Pan'kov, N.M. Budnev, N.V. Ilyin, I.I. Orlov [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.122.
65. Ivanova, A. S. Arctic oscillation and trophspere/stratosphere interactions / A.S. Ivanova, V.I. Mordvinov, E.V. Devyatova // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.214-215.
66. Karakhanyan, A. A. On the role of air temperature in humidity variations in the nothern hemisphere in the second part of XX century / A.A. Karakhanyan, G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.215.
67. Karavaev, Yu. A. Estimation of time of disintegration of a magnetospheric ring current during a superstorm of 20 November 2003 / Yu.A. Karavaev, Yu.V. Kuz'minykh // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.51.
68. Kashapova, L. K. A possible scenario of energy release and transport in the 16 August 2004 flare / L.K. Kashapova, V.V. Zharkova, V.V. Grechnev, S.S. Ipson // SOHO 20 - Transient Events on the Sun and in the Heliosphere: abstracts of the Intern. Conf. (Ghent, Belgium, 27-31 August, 2007). - 2007.
69. Kashapova, L. K. Non-thermal particle effects on the H-alpha, H-beta and CaII 8542 A line profiles in the 18 August 2002 solar flare / L.K. Kashapova, P. Kotrc, Y.A. Kupryakov // SOHO 20 - Transient Events on the Sun and in the Heliosphere: abstracts of the Intern. Conf. (Ghent, Belgium, 27-31 August, 2007). - 2007.
70. Kashapova L.K. The multi-wavelength study of flare 16 August 2004: why linear polarization was absent in the Ha kernel? / V.V. Zharkova, L.K. Kashapova, V.V. Grechnev, S.S. Ipson // 5th Solar Polarization Workshop (Ascona, Switzerland, 17-21 September, 2007): scientific program and abstract book. - Ascona, 2007. - P.41.
71. Kazimirovsky, E. S. To the external forcing of the MLT winds / E.S. Kazimirovsky // Earth: Our Changing Planet. XXIV General IUGG Assembly (Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.467.
72. Kharchenko, I. Geomagnetic pulsation potentialities in forecasting the relativistic electron flux at the geosynchronous orbit / I. Kharchenko, B. Tsegmed [et al.] // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.11.
73. Kim, A. G. Comparative analysis of the different methods for reconstruction of electron density profile from vertical sounding data / A.G. Kim, G.V. Kotovich // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.216.
74. Kim, A. G. Comparison of critical frequences and the heights of the maximum density of the F2-layer obtained from oblique sounding, vertical sounding, and IRI data / A.G. Kim, G.V. Kotovich, V.P. Grozov, K.G. Ratovsky // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.215.
75. Kim, A. G. Preliminary results of technique for reconstruction of the electron density profile from weakly oblique sounding data / A.G. Kim, G.V. Kotovich // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.216.
76. Kim, A. G. The technique for unification of vertical sounding data obtained by different ionosonders / A.G. Kim // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.217.
77. Kitchatinov, L. L. Hydromagnetic stability of stellar radiative cores with torodial magnetic fields / L.L. Kitchatinov // Meridional flow, differential rotation, solar and stellar activity: abstracts of the 5th Potsdam Thinkshop (Potsdam, Germany, June 24-29, 2007). - 2007.
78. Klimushkin, D. Alfven ship waves: emission of ULF waves by substorm injected particles / D. Klimushkin, P. Mager // 27th EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.EGU2007-A-01384. - (Geophysical Research Abstracts; Vol.9)
79. Klimushkin, D. Spatial localization and azimuthal wave numbers of Alfven waves generated by drift-bounce resonance in the magnetosphere / D. Klimushkin, P. Mager // 27th EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.EGU2007-A-01383. - (Geophysical Research Abstracts; Vol.9)
80. Klimushkin, D. Emission of Alfven waves by a ring current inhomogeneity after substorm injection / D. Klimushkin, P. Mager // 10th Intern. Seminar "Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma" (Zvenigorod, November 12-16, 2007): program and abstracts. - Troitsk, 2007. - P.1.5.
81. Kobanov N.I. A comparison of parameters of 3-minute and 5-minute oscillations in sunspot umbra from synchronous microwave and optical observations / G.B. Gelfreikh, V.E. Abramov-Maximov, N.I. Kobanov, K. Shibasaki // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.37.
82. Kobanov, N. I. Wave and oscillations in solar structures of different magnetic field topology / N.I. Kobanov // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.58.
83. Kobanov, N. I. Observation of propagating wave processes at the base of coronal holes / N.I. Kobanov, D.Y. Kolobov, A.A. Sklyar // Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magnetoseismology: abstracts of the 247th IAU Symp. (Porlamar, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, September 17-22, 2007). - 2007. - P.27.
84. Kobanov, N. I. Oscillatory characteristics of polar faculae / N.I. Kobanov, V.A. Pulyaev, D.Y. Kolobov // Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magnetoseismology: abstracts of the 247th IAU Symp. (Porlamar, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, September 17-22, 2007). - 2007. - P.26.
85. Kolobov, D. Y. Exploring of the short period oscillations in the filaments / D.Y. Kolobov, N.I. Kobanov, S.A. Chupin // Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magnetoseismology: abstracts of the 247th IAU Symp. (Porlamar, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, September 17-22, 2007). - 2007. - P.25.
86. Kolobov, D. Y. Two modes of propagating waves in sunspot chromosphere / D.Y. Kolobov, N.I. Kobanov // Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magnetoseismology: abstracts of the 247th IAU Symp. (Porlamar, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, September 17-22, 2007). - 2007. - P.25.
87. Kovadlo, P. G. Spatial-temporary changes of electric field of the atmosphere near the lake Baikal coast / P.G. Kovadlo, A.A. Krechetov, V.A. Obolkin, U.V. Shamansky // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.226-227.
88. Kozlov, D. A. Alfven resonance in the dipole magnetosphere with moving plasma / D.A. Kozlov, A.S. Leonovich, J. B. Cao // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.33.
89. Kozlov, D. A. Resonance MHD-oscillations in a dipole magnetosphere with rotating plasma / D.A. Kozlov, A.S. Leonovich // Physics of Auroral Phenomena. 30th Annual Seminar (Apatity, 27 February - 2 March 2007): abstracts. - Apatity, 2007. - P.41.
90. Kurkin, V. I. Multifrequensy doppler sounding of the upper atmosphere / V.I. Kurkin, Y.M. Yampolsky [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.219.
91. Kurkin, V. I. Study of the atmospheric processes influence on the ionization of the ionosphere F2-layer / V.I. Kurkin, N.M. Polekh [et al.] // Earth: Our Changing Planet. XXIV General IUGG Assembly (Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.443.
92. Kurkin, V. I. The ionospheric disturbances during low solar ativity years and influence of them on HF radiowaves propagation / V.I. Kurkin, N.M. Polekh [et al.] // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.66.
93. Kurkin V.I. On ionosphere diagnostics according to the data of multifrequensy sounding at superlong radio parths / A.V. Zalizovsky, S.B. Kascheev, V.I. Kurkin, V.A. Moshkova [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.219.
94. Kurkin, V. I. The peculiarities of behavior ionosphere in north-eastern longtudinal sector during geoactive period December 2006 / V.I. Kurkin, N.M. Polekh, O.M. Pirog, I.N. Poddelsky // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.48.
95. Kuz'minykh, Yu. V. Electromagnetic energy flux from the solar wind into the Earth's magnetosphere / Yu.V. Kuz'minykh, V.M. Mishin // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.66.
96. Kuznetsov, A. A. Generation of highly-polarized solar microwave bursts at the harmonic of plasma frequency / A.A. Kuznetsov // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.31-32.
97. Kuznetsov, A. A. Microwave burst with zebra pattern on April 21, 2002: observations, formation mechanism, source model / A.A. Kuznetsov // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.31.
98. Ledenev, V. G. High-frequency wave spectra in magnetized plasma of the solar corona / V.G. Ledenev, V.V. Tirsky, V.M. Tomozov // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.32.
99. Ledenev, V. G. Spectrum of radio emission from interplanetary shock waves / V.G. Ledenev, E. Aguilar-Rodriguez, V.V. Tirsky, V.M. Tomozov // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.32.
100. Ledenev, V. G. U-bursts in solar radio emission / V.G. Ledenev // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.33.
101. Leonovich, A. S. Alfven resonance in a dipole magnetosphere with moving plasma / A.S. Leonovich, D.A. Kozlov // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.70.
102. Leonovich, A. S. Field line resonances in a dipole-like magnetosphere concerning the Alfven or slow magnetosonic waves / A.S. Leonovich, D.A. Kozlov // 10th Intern. Seminar "Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma" (Zvenigorod, November 12-16, 2007): program and abstracts. - Troitsk, 2007. - P.3.7.
103. Leonovich, L. A. Formation of positive and negative disturbances in the topside ionosphere during solar flares / L.A. Leonovich, A.V. Tashchilin // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.220.
104. Lesovoi, S. V. 12-antenna prototype of the Siberian Radioheliograph / S.V. Lesovoi, A.T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.70-71.
105. Lesovoi, S. V. 12-antenna prototype of the Siberian radioheliograph / S.V. Lesovoi, V.G. Zandanov [et al.] // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.13-14.
106. Lesovoi, S. V. 12-antenna prototype of the Siberian radioheliograph / S.V. Lesovoi, V.G. Zandanov [et al.] // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.7.
107. Medvedev, A.V. Method of the study spatial-temporary structure of the ionospheric wave-like disturbances using data of the east-siberian ground-based radio instrument network / A.V. Medvedev, K.G. Ratovsky, M.V. Tolstikov, D.S. Kushnarev // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.75.
108. Medvedeva, I.V. Investigation of temperature dependence of the 557.7 nm upper atmospheric airglow / I.V. Medvedeva, M.A. Chernigovskaya, A.V. Mikhalev // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.61.
109. Medvedeva, I.V. Regular and irregular variations of the 557.7 nm atmospheric emission in the 23rd solar cycle / I.V. Medvedeva, A.V. Mikhalev, A.B. Beletsky // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.75-76.
110. Meshalkina, N. S. Exploring relation between the microwave and the HXR profiles on the subsecond times / N.S. Meshalkina, A.T. Altyntsev // Solar Radio Physics and the Flare-CME Relationship: abstracts of the CESRA Workshop (Ioannina, Greece, June 12-16, 2007). - Ioannina, 2007. - P.19-20.
111. Meshalkina N.S. Magnetic field dynamics above the active region AR 0365 in preflare state / A.I. Podgorny, I.M. Podgorny, N.S. Meshalkina // Physics of Auroral Phenomena. 30th Annual Seminar (Apatity, 27 February - 2 March 2007): abstracts. - Apatity, 2007. - P.52.
112. Meshalkina N.S. MHD simulation of current sheet appearing above the active region AR 0365 / A.I. Podgorny, I.M. Podgorny, N.S. Meshalkina // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.96.
113. Mikhalev, A. V. Extreme disturbances in mid-latitude airglow of the upper atmosphere / A.V. Mikhalev // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.77.
114. Mikhalev, A. V. Variations of 557/7 nm and 630 nm atmosphere emissions in the 23d solar cycle / A.V. Mikhalev, I.V. Medvedeva, N.V. Kostyleva, P. Stoeva // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.190-191 115. Mikhalev, A. V. Investigation of temperature dependence of the 557/7 nm atmospheric airglow intensity / A.V. Mikhalev, I.V. Medvedeva, M.A. Chernigovskaya // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.193.
116. Mikhalev, A. V. Interannual variations of [OI] 557.7 nm emission in the upper atmosphere and temperature anomalies in the lower atmosphere / A.V. Mikhalev // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.222-223.
117. Mikhalev, A. V. Simultaneous observations of the 557.7 nm upper atmosphere airglow intensification and occurrence of sporadic E layer (Es) during temperature disturbances in strato-mesosphere / A.V. Mikhalev, K.G. Ratovsky [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.223.
118. Mikhalev A.V. The method to derive the peak density of atomic oxygen in the MLT region from the ground-based observation of OI 557.7 nm nightglow intensity / H. Gao, Xu Jiyao, Yuan Wei, A.V. Mikhalev // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.64.
119. Mikhalev, A. V. On possible influence of the Earth's surface temperature on variations of the upper atmosphere emission / A.V. Mikhalev // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.63.
120. Mikhalev, A. V. On possible influence of the Earth's surface temperature on airglow variations / A.V. Mikhalev // Earth: Our Changing Planet. XXIV General IUGG Assembly (Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.480.
121. Mishin, V. M. Active phase of a substorm is the chain of two independent types of reconnection - in the closed plasma sheet and open lobes of the tail / V.M. Mishin, Z. Pu, L.A. Sapronova, Yu.V. Kuz'minykh // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.81.
122. Mishin, V. M. Origination of the westward auroral electrojet without cowling current and polarization effect / V.M. Mishin, L.A. Sapronova, Yu.V. Kuz'minykh // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.82.
123. Mishin, V. M. Periodical appearance along the magnetospheric tail of the disruptions and amplifications of the cross-tail dawn-dusk current / V.M. Mishin, Z. Pu [et al.] // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.81-82.
124. Mishin, V. V. On relationship of the periods of low-frequency fluctuations of solar wind with dynamics pressure and geomagnetic field / V.V. Mishin, V.A. Parkhomov, B. Tsegmed // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.81
125. Mishin, V. V. Short-period geomagnetic pulsations and optical emissions of mid-latitude atmosphere during superstorms / V.V. Mishin, B. Tsegmed, Yu.Yu. Malozemova // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.82.
126. Mordvinov, A. V. Magnetic flux imbalance of the Sun and heliosphere as a diagnostics tool of their long-term changes / A. V. Mordvinov // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.82-83.
127. Mordvinov, V. I. Connection of geomagnetic activity with daily variations of vertical velocity in the atmosphere / V.I. Mordvinov, A.S. Ivanova, E.V. Devyatova // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.223-224.
128. Moshkova, V. A. Estimation of foF2 variations using round-the-world radio sounding data / V.A. Moshkova, V.I. Kurkin // Geophysical Research Abstracts. - 2007. - Vol.9. - EGU2007-A-00673.
129. Moshkova, V. A. Method of estimation of F2 ionospheric region critical frequences variations / V.A. Moshkova, V.I. Kurkin // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.197.
130. Orlov, I. I. On the reflection function calculation method in the problem of wave propagation in stratified mediums / I.I. Orlov, V.I. Kurkin, A.V. Oinats // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.89.
131. Parkhomov, V. A. Bursts geomagnetic pulsations in range of 0/2-3 HZ excited by sharp and large solar wind density pulses / V.A. Parkhomov, M.O. Ryazantseva, G.N. Zastenker, B. Tsegmed // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.92.
132. Perevalova, N. P. Generation of circular large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances in the auroral zone / N.P. Perevalova, E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voeykov, I.V. Zhivet'ev // Physics of Auroral Phenomena. 30th Annual Seminar (Apatity, 27 February - 2 March 2007): abstracts. - Apatity, 2007. - P.63.
133. Perevalova, N. P. Influence of the Earth's diurnal rotation on the travel of large-scale disturbances in the upper atmosphere / N.P. Perevalova, E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voeykov, I.V. Zhivet'ev // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.189-190.
134. Pipin, V. V. On the sources of the global poloidal magnetic fields of the Sun / V.V. Pipin // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.95.
135. Pipin, V. V. The Omega x J effect in solar and stellar dynamos / V.V. Pipin // Meridional flow, differential rotation, solar and stellar activity: abstracts of the 5th Potsdam Thinkshop (Potsdam, Germany, June 24-29, 2007). - 2007.
136. Pipin V.V. Current and cross helicity in the solar atmosphere / K.M. Kuzanyan, V.V. Pipin, Zhang Hongqi // XI Пулковская Междунар. конф. "Физическая природа солнечной активности и прогнозирование ее геофизических явлений": тез. докл. Междунар. конф. (ГАО РАН, Пулково, 2-7 июля 2007 г.). - СПб., 2007. - С.88.
137. Pirog, O. M. Density gradients at afternoon ionospheric troughs in the Eastern sector / O.M. Pirog, N.M. Polekh, A.V. Tashchilin, E.B. Romanova // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.192.
138. Polekh, N. M. Wave disturbances in the ionosphere during moderate geomagnetic storms / N.M. Polekh, V.I. Kurkin [et al.] // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.46.
139. Ponomarchuk, S. N. The diagnostics of upper atmosphere and ground surface by backscatter sounding data / S.N. Ponomarchuk, V.I. Kurkin, A.V. Oinats // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.190.
140. Potapov A.S. Polarization of the ULF geoelectromagnetic waves / A. Guglielmi, A.S. Potapov, N.A. Zolotukhina [et al.] // 10th Intern. Seminar "Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma" (Zvenigorod, November 12-16, 2007): program and abstracts. - Troitsk, 2007. - P.1.9.
141. Potapov, A.S. Contribution of global PC5 oscillations to the magnetic disturbance during geomagnetic storms / A.S. Potapov, B. Tsegmed, T. Polyushkina // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.99.
142. Potapov, A.S. Global ULF oscillations of the magnetosphere in response to the interplanetary super fast streams / A.S. Potapov, T. Polyushkina // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.30-31.
143. Potapov, A.S. Interplanetary medium conditions and state of the magnetosphere associated with the global Pc5 oscillations / A.S. Potapov, T. Polyushkina // Solar Extreme Events 2007: Fundamental Science and Applied Aspects: program and abstracts of the Intern. Symp. SEE 2007 (Athens, Greece, 24-27 September, 2007). - Athens, 2007. - P.72-73.
144. Potekhin, A. P. Ionospheric mid-latitude responses to the extreme geomagnetic storms for solar cycle-23 / A.P. Potekhin, G.A. Zherebtsov [et al.] // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007.
145. Prosovetsky D.V. Long-period eigen oscillations of sunspots and radio-response of magnetosphere of an active region / D.V. Prosovetsky, S.M. Kuznetsova, I. A. Bakunina, A. A. Soloviev [et al.] // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk : IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.10.
146. Ratovsky, K.G. Climatic features of the ionosphere over Irkutsk. Observations and comparisons with the IRI-2001 model / K.G. Ratovsky, A.V. Oinats, A.V. Medvedev // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.103.
147. Ratovsky, K.G. Comparison study of OI 577.7 nm airglow and sporadic E layer characteristics variations observed over Irkutsk / K.G. Ratovsky, A.V. Mikhalev [et al.] // Earth: Our Changing Planet. XXIV General IUGG Assembly (Perugia, Italy, July 2-13, 2007): abstarcts. - 2007. - P.477.
148. Ratovsky, K.G. Research into TID height structure based on Irkutsk ionosonde data obtained during September 2005 World Day Campaign / K.G. Ratovsky, A.V. Medvedev, M.V. Tolstikov, D.S. Kushnarev // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.50.
149. Romanova, E. B. A study of response of the ionosphere to large geomagnetic storms/ E.B. Romanova, G.A. Zherebtsov [et al.] // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.105-106.
150. Romanova, E. B. Main ionospheric trough in the east-Asian sector: observations and simulation / E.B. Romanova, O.M. Pirog, N.M. Polekh, A.V. Tashchilin // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.55.
151. Romanova, E. B. Response of ionosphere to large geomagnetic storms in the region of east Asia / E.B. Romanova, A.V. Tashchilin [et al.] // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.43.
152. Romanova, E. B. Manifestation of large geomagnetic storms in the ionosphere of Eastern Asia / E.B. Romanova, A.V. Tashchilin [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.193.
153. Romanova, E. B. Modeling of seasonal effects of geomagnetic storms in the Eastern Asia ionosphere / E.B. Romanova, A.V. Tashchilin, O.M. Pirog, N.M. Polekh // Physics of Auroral Phenomena. 30th Annual Seminar (Apatity, 27 February - 2 March 2007): abstracts. - Apatity, 2007. - P.65.
154. Rubtsova, O. A. Manifestation of heliogeophysical disturbances in troposphere characteristics / O.A. Rubtsova, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.106.
155. Rubtsova, O. A.
Manifestation of isolated heliogeophysical disturbances in the high-latitude troposphere / O.A. Rubtsova, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.194-195.
156. Shchepkin, L. A. Generalization of the electron density measurements in the middle ionosphere using the regression equation describing the electron density connection with the characteristics of thermosphere / L.A. Shchepkin, G.M. Kuznetsova, G.P. Kushnarenko, K.G. Ratovsky // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.220.
157. Shpynev, B.G. Topology of natural space-time and its application to investigation of physical process / B.G. Shpynev // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.227.
158. Skomorovsky, V.I. Relationship between solar activity and anomalous hydrometeorological events in russian territory / V.I. Skomorovsky, V.M. Kostin // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.114-115.
159. Shukhman, I.G. Secular instabilities of stellar systems: sllow mode approach / E.V. Polyachenko, V.L. Polyachenko, I.G. Shukhman // Chaos in Astronomy. Intern. Workshop in memory of N. Voglis (Athens, Greece, 17-20 September, 2007): abstracts. - 2007.
160. Smolkov, G. Ya. Radioheliographical diagnostics of potential flare productivity of active region / G.Ya. Smolkov, A.M. Uralov, I.A. Bakunina // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.116-117.
161. Sych, R. A. Propagating lonitudinal waves over sunspots, observed in microwave and EUV / R.A. Sych, V.M. Nakariakov // Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magnetoseismology: abstracts of the 247th IAU Symp. (Porlamar, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, September 17-22, 2007). - 2007. - P.44.
162. Sych, R. A. The pixelised wavelet filtering method: the study of the multi-mode spatial structure of sunspot and coronal oscillations / R.A. Sych, V.M. Nakariakov // Waves and Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magnetoseismology: abstracts of the 247th IAU Symp. (Porlamar, Isla de Margarita, Venezuela, September 17-22, 2007). - 2007. - P.44.
163. Tashchilin, A. V. Influence of magnetospheric inputs definition on modeling of ionospheric storms / A.V. Tashchilin, E.B. Romanova // Physics of Auroral Phenomena. 30th Annual Seminar (Apatity, 27 February - 2 March 2007): abstracts. - Apatity, 2007. - P.65.
164. Tyasto, M. I. A study of cosmic ray cutoff rigities at disturbed period in November 2004 / M.I. Tyasto, O.A. Danilova, V.M. Dvornikov, V.E. Sdobnov // 27th EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.EGU2007-A-07749. - (Geophysical Research Abstracts; Vol.9)
165. Tyasto, M. I. Changing of cosmic ray cutoff rigities at disturbed period in November 2004 / M.I. Tyasto, O.A. Danilova, V.M. Dvornikov, V.E. Sdobnov // 27th EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007): abstracts. - 2007. - P.EGU2007-A-05602. - (Geophysical Research Abstracts; Vol.9)
166. Uralov, A. M. Microwave neutral line associated source and its relation to a current sheet / A.M. Uralov // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.127.
167. Vasil'eva, L. A. Peculiarities of long-term changes of temperature and troposphere heat content and their connection with solar activity / L.A. Vasil'eva, G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.130.
168. Vergasova, G. V. The peculiarities of manifestation of long-time oscillations variations of critical frequency of ionospheric F2 layer / G.V. Vergasova, E.S. Kazimirovsky, N.M. Polekh // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.226.
169. Yazev S.A. Photospheric observations at hte solar telescope of the Irkutsk state university's astronomical observatory / V.V. Kaplenko, S.I. Raschetin, S.A. Yazev, D.V. Yerofeyev // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk : IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.51.
170. Yazev S.A. The dynamics of mental diseaes in Irkutsk and solar activity / K.L. Kravchenko, S.A. Yazev, A.V. Korotkikh // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.64.
171. Yazev S.A. A unique complex of activity as observed in late 2006/ early 2007: evolution, and energy release dynamics / V.I. Sidorov, M.Yu. Savinkin, S.A. Yazev // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.112.
172. Yazev, S. A. Powerfull solar flares and coronal mass ejections: chromospheric phenomena / S.A. Yazev, V.I. Sidorov // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.133.
173. Yazev S.A. The Irkutsk heliomedical experiment / O.V. Zhukova, E.V. Shevchenko , G.I. Shcherbakov, S.A. Yazev // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.137-138.
174. Zherebtsov G.A. The research on ionospheric spread-F observed in Hainan / Jiankui Shi, G. Wang, G.A. Zherebtsov, O.M.Pirog, K.G. Ratovsky, E.B. Romanova // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.42.
175. Zherebtsov G.A. A Comparison Study on Performances of difference TEC Models in China region / X. Wang, J. K. Shi, G.A. Zherebtsov, O.M. Pirog, K.G. Ratovsky. E.B. Romanova // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.51.
176. Zherebtsov G.A. Characteristics of ionospheric storms in east Asia / X. Wang, J. K. Shi, G.A. Zherebtsov, O.M. Pirog // The 8th Chinese-Russian Workshop on Space Weather (Beijing, China, 23-25 September, 2007): abstracts. - Beijing, 2007. - P.56-57.
177. Zherebtsov, G. A. From the IGY - 1957 program to IHY projects / G.A. Zherebtsov // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.136-137.
178. Zherebtsov, G. A. Solar activity and dynamics of atmosphere processes and world ocean heat content / G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // Intern. Heliophysical Year 2007. New Insights into Solar-Terrestrial Physics (IHY2007-NISTP): abstracts of the Intern. Symp. (Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Russia, November 5-11, 2007). - Troitsk: IZMIRAN, 2007. - P.137.
179. Zherebtsov, G. A. Long-term change of the troposphere temperature and heat content in the 20th century / G.A. Zherebtsov, L.A. Vasil'eva, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.194.
180. Zherebtsov, G. A. Role of solar and geomagnetic activity in the terrestrial climate change / G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics. Buryatiya 2007: abstracts of the XIV Intern. Symp. (Buryatiya, June 24-30, 2007). - Tomsk, 2007. - P.40.
181. Zherebtsov, G. A. On the formation of afternoon troughs of ionization in the F-region in the East sector / G.A. Zherebtsov, O.M. Pirog [et al.] // Geophysical Research Abstracts. - 2007. - Vol.9. - EGU2007-A-02615.
182. Zherebtsov, G. A. The Siberian segment of SuperDARN / G.A. Zherebtsov, V.I. Kurkin, O.I. Berngardt // SuperDARN Workshop 2007: Program and Abstracts. - 2007. - P.16.
183. Zolotukhina, N. A. Poloidal Alfven waves generated by nonstationary process: observations and interpretation / N.A. Zolotukhina, P. Mager, D. Klimushkin // 10th Intern. Seminar "Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma" (Zvenigorod, November 12-16, 2007): program and abstracts. - Troitsk, 2007. - P.1.7.
184. Zolotukhina, N. A. Storm-time Pc1 waves evolution: A case study / N.A. Zolotukhina, V.A. Pilipenko, M. Engebretson, A. Roger // Physics of Auroral Phenomena. 30th Annual Seminar (Apatity, 27 February - 2 March 2007): abstracts. - Apatity, 2007. - P.45.
Тезисы докладов сотрудников ИСЗФ, представленные на международные конференции - 2007 г. Часть 2