161. | Kuzin, S. | CORONAS-F/SPIRIT Observations of solar eruptive events on 23 October - 4 November 2003 / S. Kuzin, V.V. Grechnev [et al.] // Intern. Symp. on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 (Moscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract book. - M., 2004. - P.32. |
162. | Ledenev, V.G. | Spectra of high-frequency waves in solar coronal plasma / V.G. Ledenev, V.V. Trisky // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.131. |
163. | Ledenev, V.G. | Fine structure of microwave emission in the August 25, 1999 event and its association with the magnetic field structure / V.G. Ledenev, R.A. Sych [et al.] // 7th Latin American Conference n Space Geophysic COLAGE, Atibaia, SP, 29 Marco - 2 Abril 2004. - 2004. |
164. | Leonovich, A.S. | Super low-frequency MHD eigenoscillations with a discrete spectrum in parabolic model of magnetosphere / A.S. Leonovich, V.A. Mazur // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.12. |
165. | Lobicheva, I.Yu. | Influence of meteorologic situation to propagation conditions of an infrasound / I.Yu. Lobicheva, E.A. Ponomarev, A.G. Sorokin // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts / XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.190. |
166. | Mager, O.V. | Concerning the conjugation of field-aligned currents / O.V. Mager [et al.] // Problems of Geocosmos: book of abstracts / 5th Intern. Conf. (St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, 24-28 May, 2004). - St. Petersburg, 2004. - P.118. |
167. | Makukhin, V.L. | Numerical simulation of the spreading and transformation of aerosol and gas components in the southern Baikal region at the different synoptic conditions / V.L. Makukhin, A.S. Ivanova, V.I. Mordvinov, I.V. Latysheva // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.133. |
168. | Mashnich, G.P. | 2-D velocity field structure and oscillations nearby quiescent filaments / G.P. Mashnich, V.S. Bashkirtsev, E.M. Golubeva, A.I. Khlystova, A.S. Letunov // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.141. |
169. | Mazur, V.A. | Superlow frequency geomagnetic oscillations with a discrete spectrum as eigenmodes of MHD resonator in the near plasma layer / V.A. Mazur, A.S. Leonovich // Problems of Geocosmos: book of abstracts of the 5th Intern. Conf. (St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, 24-28 May, 2004). - St. Petersburg, 2004. - P.125-126. |
170. | Medvedev, A.V. | Ionospheric observations with the Irkutsk ground-based radio instrument network during the geomagnetic storms on October 29-31, 2003 / A.V. Medvedev, K.G. Ratovsky, B.G. Shpynev // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.18. |
171. | Meshalkina, N.S. | The research of solar microwave subsecond pulse sizes / N.S. Meshalkina, A.T. Altyntsev, S.V. Lesovoi, V.G. Zandanov // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00423. - (CD-ROM) |
172. | Mikhalev, A.V. | Extreme midlatitude auroras during the geomagnetic storms on October 29-31 and November 20-21, 2003 / A.V. Mikhalev, A.B. Beletsky, N.V. Kostyleva, M.A. Chernigovskaya // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.13. |
173. | Mikhalev, A.V. | Mid-latitude auroras in the south of East Siberia in the current solar cycle / A.V. Mikhalev, A.B. Beletsky, N.V. Kostyleva, M.A. Chernigovskaya // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01330. - (CD-ROM) |
174. | Mikhalev, A.V. | Long-term variations of erythemal ultraviolet radiation in Irkutsk as deduced from satellite measurements / A.V. Mikhalev, M.A. Chernigovskaya, M.A. Tashchilin // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.183. |
175. | Mikhalev, A.V. | Characteristics of the mid-latitude auroras during strong geomagnetic storms in the current solar activity cycle / A.V. Mikhalev, A.B. Beletsky, N.V. Kostyleva, M.A. Chernigovskaya // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.191. |
176. | Mikhalev, A.V. | Extreme midlatitude auroras during the geomagnetic storms on October 29-31 and November 20-21, 2003 / A.V. Mikhalev, A.B. Beletsky, N.V. Kostyleva, M.A. Chernigovskaya // Intern. Symp. on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 (Moscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract book . - M., 2004. - P.52. |
177. | Mishin, V.M. | Electrodynamic parameters of substorms of the period of extreme events of November 20, 2003. 1. Timing / V.M. Mishin, T. Saifudinova, A. Bazarzhapov, Yu.A. Karavaev [et al.] // Intern. Symp. on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 (Moscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract book . - M., 2004. - P.52. |
178. | Mishin, V.M. | Electrodynamic parameters of substorms of the period of extreme events of November 20, 2003. 2. Variations of the polar cap potential drop / V.M. Mishin, T. Saifudinova, A. Bazarzhapov, Yu.A. Karavaev [et al.] // Intern. Symp. on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 (Moscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract book . - M., 2004. - P.53. |
179. | Mishin, V.M. | Electrodynamic parameters of substorms of the period of extreme events of November 20, 2003. 3. Dynamics of systems of field-aligned currents and convection systems / V.M. Mishin, T. Saifudinova, A. Bazarzhapov, Yu.A. Karavaev [et al.] // Intern. Symp. on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 (Moscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract book . - M., 2004. - P.53. |
180. | Mishin, V.V. | Formation of velocity boundary layers in the distant geotail and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability / V.V. Mishin // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.13. |
181. | Molodykh, S.I. | Investigation of wave characteristics by red coronal line observations / S.I. Molodykh, N.F. Tyagun // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.147. |
182. | Molodykh, S.I. | The variations of the solar magnetic field at the fast global reconfigurations periods / S.I. Molodykh, G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.148. |
183. | Molodykh, S.I. | Fast global changes of the solar magnetic field through cycle 23 / S.I. Molodykh, G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01172. - (CD-ROM) |
184. | Mordvinov, A.V. | Changes in solar irradiance in an 11-yr cycle and on a secular timescale: observations and reconstruction using neurocomputing / A.V. Mordvinov, R.C. Willson, N.G. Makarenko // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.150. |
185. | Mordvinov, A.V. | Changes in space weather and heliospheric oscillations due to rotation and rearrangement of solar magnetic field / A.V. Mordvinov, L.A. Plyusnina, V.V. Pipin // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.149. |
186. | Mordvinov, A.V. | Reconstruction of magnetic activity of the Sun and changes in its irradiance on a millennium timescale using neurocomputing / A.V. Mordvinov [et al.] // Direct and Indirect Observations of Long-term Solar Activity: abstract and participant booklet of the First Intern. Symp. on Space Climate (Oulu, Finland, June 20-23, 2004) . - Oulu, 2004. - P.50. |
187. | Mordvinov, A.V. | Changes in space weather and the heliospheric oscillations due to rotation and rearrangement of solar magnetic field / A.V. Mordvinov, L.A. Plyusnina, V.V. Pipin // Direct and Indirect Observations of Long-term Solar Activity: abstract and participant booklet of the First Intern. Symp. on Space Climate (Oulu, Finland, June 20-23, 2004) . - Oulu, 2004. - P.81. |
188. | Mordvinov, V.I. | Long-range correlations in the central Asia pressure interannual variations / V.I. Mordvinov [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.179. |
189. | Oinats, A.V. | Comparison of the main ionospheric parameter values measured by digisonde at Irkutsk in 2003 with the IRI model data / A.V. Oinats, K.G. Ratovsky, G.V. Kotovich // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00330. - (CD-ROM) |
190. | Panasyuk, M.I. | Magnetic storms of solar extreme events, October 2003 / M.I. Panasyuk, A.B. Beletsky [et al.] // Problems of Geocosmos: book of abstracts of the 5th Intern. Conf. (St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, 24-28 May, 2004). - St. Petersburg, 2004. - P.133-134. |
191. | Parkhomov, V. A. | PC5 geomagnetic pulsations under magnetopause multiple crossings conditions observed interball-1 13.04.96 / V.A. Parkhomov, V.V. Mishin, A.S. Leonovich [et al.] // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - C.60. |
192. | Parkhomov, V. A. | Long-period geomagnetic pulsation associated with oscillations of the magnetopause / V.A. Parkhomov, V.V. Mishin, A.S. Leonovich, J.B. Cao // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.12. |
193. | Petrukhin, V. F. | Diurnal seasonal and interannual differences in the links of probabilities of derivation of different types ES with solar activity / V.F. Petrukhin, E.A. Ponomarev, N.A. Sutyrin [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: Program and Abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.182. |
194. | Pirog, O. M. | Season variation of ionosphere effects of geomagnetic storm at different latitudes of East Asia / O.M. Pirog, N.M. Polekh, K.G. Ratovsky, G.A. Zherebtsov, V.F. Smirnov [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01026. - (CD-ROM) |
195. | Pirog, O. M. | Response of ionosphere to the strong geomagnetic storm: observation and modeling / O.M. Pirog, N.M. Polekh, A.V. Tashchilin, E.B. Romanova, G.A. Zherebtsov // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00817. - (CD-ROM) |
196. | Ponomarev, E. A. | Bow shock as the power source for magnetospheric processes / E.A. Ponomarev, P.A. Sedykh, O.V. Mager, V.D. Urbanovich // Problems of Geocosmos: book of abstracts of the 5th Intern. Conf. (St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, 24-28 May, 2004). - St. Petersburg, 2004. - P.136-137. |
197. | Ponomarev, E. A. | An alternative approach to explainng magnetospheric processes / E. A. Ponomarev, P.A. Sedykh, O.V. Mager, V.D. Urbanovich // 7th Intern. Conf. on Substorms: programme and abstracts of the 7th Intern. Conf. (Levi, Lapland, Finland, 21-27 March, 2004): Finnish Meteorological Inst., 2004. - P.41. |
198. | Potapov, A.S. | Cluster and ground-based observations of PC5 Oscillations in the magnetosphere / A.S. Potapov, T. Polyushkina [et al.] // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.11. |
199. | Potapov, A.S. | PC5 oscillation analysis by the satellite and ground-based data / A.S. Potapov, T. Polyushkina [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01168. - (CD-ROM) |
200. | Potapov, A.S. | Global PC5 event during 29-31 October 2003 magnetic storm / A.S. Potapov, B. Tsegmed [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-02551. - (CD-ROM) |
201. | Potapov, A.S. | Long-period pulsation activity during the autumn 2003 series of magnetic disturbances / A.S. Potapov, B. Tsegmed [et al.] // Intern. Symp. on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 (Moscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract book . - M., 2004. - P.56. |
202. | Potekhin, A. P. | The ground-based radio instrument network for observations of the upper atmosphere over the East-Siberian region / A.P. Potekhin, E.L. Afraimovich, V.I. Kurkin, A.V. Medvedev, K.G. Ratovsky, B.G. Shpynev, A.V. Zavorin, G.A. Zherebtsov // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00810. - (CD-ROM) |
203. | Potekhin, A. P. | Comparison of incoherent scatter data with international reference ionosphere IRI-2000 for East-Siberian region / A.P. Potekhin, V.I. Kurkin, A.V. Tashchilin, B.G. Shpynev, A.V. Zavorin, G.A. Zherebtsov // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01541. - (CD-ROM) |
204. | Prosovetsky, D.V. | Transfer of energy withi coronal bright points according to the observation in optical spectra and microwave / D.V. Prosovetsky, L.K. Kashapova // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.174. |
205. | Ryabov, B.I. | Coronal magnetograms of solar active regions / B.I. Ryabov, V.P. Maksimov, B.I. Lubyshev.[et al.] // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.182-183. |
206. | Sedykh, P.A. | Concerning the Conjugation of field-alighed currents / P.A. Sedykh, E.A. Ponomarev, O.V. Mager // 7th Intern. Conf. on Substorms: programme and abstracts of the 7th Intern. Conf. (Levi, Lapland, Finland, 21-27 March, 2004): Finnish Meteorological Inst., 2004. - P.48. |
207. | Shchepkin, L. A. | The variations of electron density of the middle ionosphere during the year cycle / L.A. Shchepkin, G.P. Kushnarenko, G.M. Kuznetsova // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01236. - (CD-ROM) |
208. | Slemzin, V. | Multi-wavelength observations of CME-associated structures on the Sun with the CORONAS-F / SPIRIT EUV telescope / V. Slemzin, I.M. Chertok, V.V. Grechnev et al. // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.192-193. |
209. | Slemzin, V. | CORONAS-F/SPIRIT Observations of solar eruptive events on 17 and 18 November, 2003 / V. Slemzin, V.V. Grechnev [et al.] // Intern. Symp. on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 (Moscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract book. - M., 2004. - P.36. |
210. | Smolkov, G. Ya. | Microwave evidence for the time and location of emerging magnetic fluxes and powerful flare build-up / G.Ya. Smolkov, B.V. Agalakov, A.M. Uralov // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.193. |
211. | Shpynev, B.G. | Generalization of electron density at 200 km into model on the base of Irkutsk incoherent scatter data / B.G. Shpynev, L.A. Shchepkin, G.M. Kuznetsova, G.P. Kushnarenko // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.185. |
212. | Strelkova, T.N. | Influence of variations in summertime teleconnections on Southwest Siberia temperature and surface pressure / T.N. Strelkova, V.I. Mordvinov [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.183. |
213. | Sutyrin, N.A. | About the possible reasons of abnormal downturn of working heights ionospheric sporadic layers / N.A. Sutyrin, V.F. Petrukhin, E.A. Ponomarev, V.D. Kokourov // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.179. |
214. | Sych, R.A. | High frequency decimetric pulsations and associated hard X-ray emission in the 5 August 2003 (1249UT) flare / H.S. Sawant, R.A. Sych [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-02328. - (CD-ROM) |
215. | Sych, R.A. | Analysis of narrowband DM-spikes observed during the August 5, 2003 flare / H.S. Sawant, R.A. Sych [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01604. - (CD-ROM) |
216. | Sych, R.A. | A parallel implementation of the CLEAN algorithm for the BDA / N.K. Beithi, R.A. Sych [et al.] // SIP Work II. Solar Image Processing Workshop: abstarcts of the SIP Work II ( 3-5 November 2004, Annapolis, Maryland). - 2004. - P.65. |
217. | Sych, R. A. | Dimention wavelet cartography of the solar surface / R.A. Sych, H.S. Sawant, R. R. Rosa // SIP Work II. Solar Image Processing Workshop: abstarcts of the SIP Work II ( 3-5 November 2004, Annapolis, Maryland). - 2004. - P.80. |
218. | Tashchilin, A.V. | Influence of magnetospheric inputs definition on modeling of ionospheric storms / A.V. Taschilin, E.B. Romanova, V.I. Kurkin // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-03706. - (CD-ROM) |
219. | Tyagun, N.F. | Nonthermal broadening of the Fe X 6374 and Fe XIY 5303 coronal lines and correlation with the intensity / N.F. Tyagun // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.211-212. |
220. | Tyagun, N.F. | The blue asymmetry of the Fe X 6374 profiles / N.F. Tyagun // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.212. |
221. | Uralov, A. M. | The resonant axcitation of transverse oscillations in coronal loops / A.M. Uralov // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.213-214. |
222. | Uralov, A. M. | Initial localization and kinematic characteristics of structure components of a CME / A.M. Uralov, V.V. Grechnev // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.214. |
223. | Vlasov, V.G. | Influence of the magnetic field and plasma inhomogeneities on the electoncyclotron maser instabilities in the low solar corona / V.G. Vlasov, A.A. Kuznetsov // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.224. |
224. | Yazev, S. A. | Multi-purpose expedition research of the Vitim meteoroid fallen in September 2002 in Irkutsk region, Siberia / S.A. Yazev, V.S. Antipin [et al.] // Meteoroids - 2004. Conference in Ontario, Canada, 16-21 August, 2004: abstracts. - 2004. |
225. | Zherebtsov, G. A. | A mechanism for solar variability effect on radiative balance of the earth's atmosphere / G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.7. |
226. | Zherebtsov, G. A. | Influence of fast global variations of Solar magnetic fields on space weather through cycle 23 / G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh [et al.] // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk,14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.9. |
227. | Zherebtsov, G. A. | Modeling of geomagnetic storm effects in the ionosphere of East Asia / G.A. Zherebtsov, O.M. Pirog, N.M. Polekh, E.B. Romanova, A.V. Tashchilin // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.17. |
228. | Zherebtsov, G. A. | The physical mechanism of the solar variability influence on electrical and climatic characteristics of the troposphere / G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko, S.I. Molodykh // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01170. - (CD-ROM) |
229. | Zherebtsov, G. A. | Atmospheric radiation balance and climatic manifestations of solar variability / G.A. Zherebtsov, V.A. Kovalenko // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.42. |
230. | Zverev, E. A. | The numerical study of an electron flow relaxation in a weakly non-uniform plasma / E.A. Zverev, V.G. Ledenev // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.239. |