81. | Рахматулин, Р. А. | Регистрация электромагнитного излучения техногенного происхождения в черте Иркутска ( диапазон геомагнитных пульсаций 0.01-10 ГЦ) / Р.А. Рахматулин, М.В. Нащенко // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.69. |
82. | Рахматулин, Р. А. | Исследование электромагнитного излучения техногенного происхождения в диапазоне частот 0.01-10 Гц в черте Иркутска / Р.А. Рахматулин, М.В. Нащенко // Байкал. междунар. молодеж. шк. по фундам. физике (БШФФ-2004).VII Конф. молодых учен. "Взаимодействие полей и излучения с веществом": Программа и тез. докл. - 2004. - С.49. |
83. | Сайфудинова, Т. И. | Электродинамические параметры суббурь во время экстра-бури 20 ноября 2003 г. Таймирование / Т.И. Сайфудинова, А.Д. Базаржапов, Ю.С. Караваев // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.61. |
84. | Седых, П. А. | Описание фаз суббури. Основные признаки / П.А. Седых, Е.А. Пономарев, О.В. Магер // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.42. |
85. | Седых, П. А. | Некоторые аргументы в поддержку модели магнитосферных возмущений, созданной в ИСЗФ СО РАН / П.А. Седых, Е.А. Пономарев, О.В. Магер // Байкал. междунар. молодеж. шк. по фундам. физике (БШФФ-2004).VII Конф. молодых учен. " Взаимодействие полей и излучения с веществом": программа и тез. докл. - 2004. - С.43. |
86. | Сидоров, В. И. | К вопросу о природе структур на концах вспышечных лент / В.И. Сидоров, С.А. Язев, Е.С. Комарова // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.24. |
87. | Сидоров, В. И. | Соотношение энергетики вспышки и коронального выброса в событии 19 октября 2001 г. / В.И. Сидоров // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.30-31. |
88. | Скляр, А. А. | Динамические характеристики поля лучевых скоростей в основании корональных дыр / А.А. Скляр, Н.И. Кобанов // Байкал. междунар. молодеж. шк. по фундам. физике (БШФФ-2004). VII Конф. молодых учен. "Взаимодействие полей и излучения с веществом": программа и тез. докл. - 2004. - С.39. |
89. | Смольков, Г. Я. | Существующие и ожидаемые возможности радиодиагностики солнечных факторов космической погоды / Г.Я. Смольков // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004 . - С.32. |
90. | Смольков, Г. Я. | Уроки космической погоды / Г.Я. Смольков // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.36. |
91. | Смольков, Г. Я. | Изучение плазменных и магнитогидродинамических процессов в солнечной короне по ее радиоизлучению / Г.Я. Смольков // Байкал. междунар. молодеж. шк. по фундам. физике (БШФФ-2004).VII Конф. молодых учен. " Взаимодействие полей и излучения с веществом": программа и тез. докл. - 2004. - С.20-21. |
92. | Соловьев, С. И. | Вклад различных источников в формирование Dst и низкоширотных геомагнитных возмущений по данным глобальных наблюдений в периоды экстра-бурь в октябре-ноябре 2003 г. / С.И. Соловьев, А.С. Потапов [и др.] // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.47. |
93. | Соловьев, С. И. | Возбуждение пульсаций Pc5 в периоды магнитных бурь 29-31 октября и 21 ноября 2003 г. и их связь с амплитудной модуляцией ОНЧ - излучения и риометрического поглощения / С.И. Соловьев, А.С. Потапов [и др.] // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.62. |
94. | Тащилин, М. А. | Многолетние вариации эритемной ультрафиолетовой радиации в Иркутске по данным спутника EARTH PROBE / М.А. Тащилин, М.А. Черниговская // Байкал. междунар. молодеж. шк. по фундам. физике (БШФФ-2004).VII Конф. молодых учен. "Взаимодействие полей и излучения с веществом": Программа и тез. докл. - Иркутск, 2004. - C.28. |
95. | Уралов, А. М. | Наблюдения на ССРТ эруптивных явлений и активных областей, связанных с корональными выбросами массы / А.М. Уралов, В.В. Гречнев, С.В. Лесовой, Н.Н. Кардаполова, В.Г. Занданов, Г.Н. Зубкова, Г.В. Руденко, И.Г. Руденко, Г.Я. Смольков, А.Т. Алтынцев, В.Г. Леденев // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.16-17. |
96. | Файнштейн, В. Г. | Определение характеристик корональных выбросов типа гало / В.Г. Файнштейн // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.24. |
97. | Файнштейн, В. Г. | Корональные выбросы массы: сравнения простой модели с наблюдениями / В.Г. Файнштейн // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.29. |
98. | Файнштейн, В. Г. | Рождение корональных дыр: особенности проявления в различных спектральных линиях и связь с динамикой магнитного поля / В.Г. Файнштейн, Л.К. Кашапова, Г.В. Руденко // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.29. |
99. | Шпынев, Б. Г. | Данные некогерентного рассеяния и дигизонда DPS-4 на высоте 200 км в Иркутске / Б.Г. Шпынев, Л.А. Щепкин, Г.П. Кушнаренко, Г.М. Кузнецова, К.Г. Ратовский // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.62. |
100. | Язев, С. А. | Развитие комплекса активности с экстремальными характеристиками / С.А. Язев, Е.С. Комарова // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.33. |
101. | Afanasiev, A. N. | Refraction and scattering of radio emission from solar source due to coronal inhomogeneities / A.N. Afanasiev, A.T. Altyntsev // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.6. |
102. | Agalakov, B. V. | Microwave study of coronal active regions from the CORONAS-F list of solar flares observed in Gamma-and X-rays / B.V. Agalakov, T.P. Borisevich [et al.] // Multi-wavelength investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004 ). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.7-8. |
103. | Altyntsev, A.T. | Observations of microwave bursts with different types of fine structure using data with hing spatial and spectral resolution / A.T. Altyntsev, N.N. Kardapolova, A.A. Kuznetsov, S.V. Lesovoi, N.S. Meshalkina, R.F. Sych [et al.] // Multi-wavelength investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.11-12. |
104. | Altyntsev, A.T. | The combined research of the fine temporal structures (SSRT-NAOC) / A.T. Altyntsev, A.A. Kuznetsov, N.S. Meshalkina,Y.Yihua // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.9-10. |
105. | Altyntsev, A.T. | Microwave subsecond pulses in solar flares - source localization, emission mechanism / A.T. Altyntsev, N.N. Kardapolova, A.A. Kuznetsov, S.V. Lesovoi, N.S. Meshalkina [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00702 - (CD-ROM) |
106. | Altyntsev, A. T. | Observations of "ZEBRA" pattern in CM- range with spatial resolution / A.T. Altyntsev, A.A. Kuznetsov, N.S. Meshalkina [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00704. - (CD-ROM) |
107. | Afraimovich, E. L. | Experimental evidence for existence of the solitary internal gravity wave in the Earth's atmosphere during the major magnetic storm on October 30, 2003 / E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voeykov // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.15. |
108. | Afraimovich, E. L. | Mid-latitude amplitude scintillation of GPS signals and GPS performance slips at the auroral oval boundary / E.L. Afraimovich, E.I. Astafieva, O.I. Berngardt, O.S. Lesyuta, V.V. Demyanov, T.N. Kondakova, A.P. Potekhin, B.G. Shpynev // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00808. - (CD-ROM) |
109. | Afraimovich, E. L. | Investigation of the correlation between ionospheric and geomagnetic variations using data from the global GPS and intermagnet networks during the magnetic storm on 29-31 October 2003 / E.L. Afraimovich, S.V. Voeykov, B. Tsegmed [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01825. - (CD-ROM) |
110. | Bogachev, S. | On the methods of primary data processing during the XUV experiment SPIRIT/ CORONAS-F / S. Bogachev, V.V. Grechnev et al. // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.23. |
111. | Borovik, A.V. | The spotless flare of March 16,1981. II. Features of structure and development / A.V. Borovik, D.Yu. Myachin // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.27. |
112. | Cao, J. B. | Cusp boundary movement during cluster cusp crossing on August 14, 2001 and its theoretical interpretation / J.B. Cao, A.S. Leonovich [et al.] // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.10. |
113. | Cecatto, J. R. | Solar bursts observed in decimetric wavelengths associated with CMES / J R. Cecatto, R.A. Sych [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-03123. - (CD-ROM) |
114. | Chertok, I. M. | Large-scale activity observed on the solar disk in association with CMEs / I.M. Chertok, V.V. Grechnev // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.40. |
115. | Chertok, I. M. | Analysis of the October-November 2003 Solar eruptive events by SOHO/EIT Data / I.M. Chertok, V.V. Grechnev // Intern. Symp. on Solar Extreme Events of 2003 (Moscow, Russia, July 12-14, 2004): programme and abstract Book . - M., 2004. - P.26. |
116. | Chuprakov, S. A. | The investigation of solar active regions structure using multi-wave observations with Large solar coronograph of Sayan Observatory: the study of spectral and images in the domain of the line He I 10830 A / S.A. Chuprakov, G.I. Kushtal, P.G. Papushev, V.I. Skomorovsky, Yu. Zagainova // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.45-46. |
117. | Degtyarev, V. | The outer radiation belt electron effects during the recovery phase of magnetic storm / V. Degtyarev, S. Chudnenko, I. Kharchenko // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.13. |
118. | Demidov, M. L. | Comparison of large-scale solar magnetic fields observed at the Sayan observatory with data of other observatories / M.L. Demidov, E.M. Golubeva // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004 ). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.47. |
119. | Demidov, M. L. | Stokesmeter observations of large-scale solar magnetic fields in different spectral lines, and diagnostics of fine-structure magnetic elements / M.L. Demidov, E.M. Golubeva Veretsky, R.M.// Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.48. |
120. | Demidov, M. L. | Comparison of large-scale solar magnetic fields observed at different observatories and in different spectral lines: centre-to-limb and equator-to-pole limb variations, and the problems of their interpretation / M.L. Demidov, E.M. Golubeva, R.M. Veretsky // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - С.22ю |
121. | Devyatova, E. V. | Long-time variations of pressure disturbances in the northern hemisphere / E.V. Devyatova, V.I. Mordvinov [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.183. |
122. | Eselevich, M. V. | On the existence of additional streams with deep fronts in brightness rays of the streamer belt / M.V. Eselevich, V.G. Eselevich // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.63. |
123. | Eselevich, M. V. | Ray structure of the coronal streamer belt and its manifestation as sharp large peaks of solar wind plasma density at the Earth s orbit / M.V. Eselevich, V.G. Eselevich // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts 223 IAU Intern. Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.63. |
124. | Eselevich, V. G. | Fractal Structure of the heliospheric Plasma Sheet at the Earth's orbit / V.G. Eselevich, M.V. Eselevich // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk, 14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.10. |
125. | Fainshtein, V. G. | Determining the characteristics of halo coronal mass ejections / V.G. Fainshtein // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.64. |
126. | Fainshtein, V. G. | An investigation of the birth of coronal holes in different spectral ranges of solar emission / V.G. Fainshtein, G.V. Rudenko // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.64-65. |
127. | Fainshtein, V. G. | Determining the characteristics of halo coronal mass ejections / V.G. Fainshtein // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00747 - (CD-ROM) |
128. | Fernandes, F. C.R. | Decimetric fine structures and associated X-ray flares / F.C.R. Fernandes, R.A. Sych [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-02984 - (CD-ROM) |
129. | Fernandes, F. C.R. | Multi-spectral investigation of the 6 June 2000 solar flare / F.C.R. Fernandes, R.A. Sych [et al.] // Multi-wavelength investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.65. |
130. | Fernandes, F.C.R. | Slowly drifting decimetric fine structures associated with pre-flare phase / F.C.R. Fernandes, R.A. Sych [et al.] // Multi-wavelength investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.66. |
131. | Gelfreikh, G. B. | On the microwave oscillations from active region NOAA 0139 / G.B. Gelfreikh, B. Agalakov [et al.] // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.73-75. |
132. | Grechnev, V.V. | Solar energetic particles in SOHO/EIT images: cleaning images and diagnostics of particles / V.V. Grechnev // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.82. |
133. | Grechnev, V. V. | Observations of CME-related phenomena in a wide spectral range / V.V. Grechnev, V.G. Zandanov, V.P. Maksimov, A.M. Uralov [et al.] // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.83. |
134. | Grechnev, V. V. | Nonthermal manifestations in solar flares / V.V. Grechnev // Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - C.33. |
135. | Grechnev, V. V. | Observations of a posteruptive arcade on october 22, 2001 with CORONAS-F, other spaceborne telescopes, and in microwaves / V.V. Grechnev, S.V. Lesovoi. A.M. Uralov, V.G. Zandanov.// Солнечно-земная физика: программа, тез. докл. Междунар. конф. - Иркутск, 2004. - C.34-35. |
136. | Grechnev, V. V. | Microwave observations of Solar eruptive events / V.V. Grechnev, A.M. Uralov, V.G. Zandanov, S.V. Lesovoi [et al.] // The 5th Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather (Irkutsk,14-17 October 2004): programme and abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2004. - P.8. |
137. | Guglielmi, A. | Temporal and spatial characteristics of PC1 geomagnetic pulsations / A. Guglielmi, A.S. Potapov, T. Polyushkina [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-02093 - (CD-ROM) |
138. | Guglielmi, A. | Field-aligned acceleration of ions by the Alfven waves in the polar regions: a test particle simulation / A. Guglielmi, A.S. Potapov, B. Tsegmed [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00805 -(CD-ROM) |
139. | Forster, M. | Plasma convection in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere / M. Forster, V.M. Mishin, A. Bazarzhapov, T. Saifudinova [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-02308. - (CD-ROM) |
140. | Ivanova, A. S. | Interannual variations of the northern hemisphere main centers of action / A.S. Ivanova, V.I. Mordvinov [et al.] // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.184. |
141. | Karakhanyan, A. A. | Irregular interannual changes in the atmospheric general ciculation according to the Dzerdzeevsky classification data / A. A. Karakhanyan, V. I. Mordvinov // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk, Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.184. |
142. | Kardapolova, N. N. | CMEs and the structure of low corona above associated active regions according to observations at microwaves / N.N. Kardapolova, S.V. Lesovoi [et al.] // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.101-102. |
143. | Kashapova, L. K. | Polarization of Ellerman bombs and the arch structure of active region:some results of investigation / L.K. Kashapova // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004 ). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.102-103. |
144. | Kazimirovsky, E. S. | Climatic characteristics of an ionosphere as necessary component of problem of change of climate / E.S. Kazimirovsky, G.V. Vergasova, V.F. Petrukhin, V.D. Kokourov // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstract. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-01043. - (CD-ROM) |
145. | Kazimirovsky, E. S. | The non - zonality of the MLT dynamics as a consequence / E. S. Kazimirovsky, V.D. Kokourov, G.V. Vergasova // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00025. - (CD-ROM) |
146. | Kim, A.G. | Behaviour features of ionosphere F-layer parameters in Irkutsk during the magnetic storm 29-31.10.2003 / A.G. Kim, V.P. Grozov, K.G. Ratovsky, A.V. Medvedev, A.P. Potekhin, B.G. Shpynev // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.181 |
147. | Klimushkin, D. | Spatial structure and growth rate of ultra low frequency drift-mirror models in the terrestrial magnetosphere / D. Klimushkin // Problems of Geocosmos: book of abstracts of the 5th Intern. Conf. (St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, 24-28 May, 2004). - St. Petersburg, 2004. - P.103-104. |
148. | Klochek, N. | Preliminary forecast of the 24 solar cycle using the nonlinear spectral model / N. Klochek, M. Nikonova // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-03770. - (CD-ROM) |
149. | Kobanov, N. I. | New observational evidences of propagating wave motions in sunspot umbra / N.I. Kobanov, D.V. Makarchik // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.111. |
150. | Kokourov, V. D. | The fluctuations of 27-day periodicities of the total ozone content at middle latitudes / V.D. Kokourov, G.V. Vergasova, E.S. Kazimirovsky // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.178. |
151. | Kokourov, V. D. | The role of planetary waves in the atmosphere-ionosphere interactions / V.D. Kokourov, G.V. Vergasova, E.S. Kazimirovsky // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.178. |
152. | Kotrc, P. | On the presence of linear polarization in the flare on 26 June, 1999 / P. Kotrc, L.K. Kashapova, Y.A. Kupryakov // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.120. |
153. | Kovadlo, P. G. | Latitude changes of optical instability of an Earth's atmosphere in southern hemisphere / P.G. Kovaldo, A.V. Schultheiss // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.75. |
154. | Kovadlo, P. G. | Common change of electrical parameters of an atmosphere, air pollution and meteorological characteristics in Irkutsk / P.G. Kovaldo, U.V. Shamansky // Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics: program and abstracts of the XI-th Intern. Joint Symp. (Tomsk,Russia, June 23-26, 2004). - Tomsk, 2004. - P.136. |
155. | Kulagin, E. S. | Multi-wavelength analysis of the importance 3B/ M7.1 flare on September 23 1998 / E.S. Kulagin, P.G. Papushev, S.A. Chuprakov // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg - Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.128. |
156. | Kurkin, V.I. | An investigation of ionospheric disturbances over the North-Eastern region of Russia in October 2003 using auroral images and data from a network of ground-based instruments / V.I. Kurkin, E.L. Afraimovich, O.I. Berngardt, G.A. Zherebtsov, G.I. Litovkin, S.M. Matyushonok, A.V. Medvedev, A.P. Potekhin, K.G. Ratovsky, B.G. Shpynev // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00689. - (CD-ROM) |
157. | Kurkin, V.I. | Space weather on October 2003 and HF propagation in the Asian and European longitudinal sectors / V.I. Kurkin, O.M. Pirog [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-02846. - (CD-ROM) |
158. | Kurkin, V.I. | The dynamics of the auroral oval and ionospheric trough boundaries according to data from the DMSP satellites and ground-based ionosonde network / V.I. Kurkin, S.M. Matyushonok, O.M. Pirog, S.N. Ponomarchuk [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-00806. - (CD-ROM) |
159. | Kurkin, V.I. | Space weather and HF propagation along different paths of the Russian chirp sounders network / V.I. Kurkin, G.I. Litovkin, S.M. Matyushonok [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-03409. - (CD-ROM) |
160. | Kuzin, S. | CME-associated dimmings on the sun observed with the EUV spirit telescope on the coronas-F spacecraft / S. Kuzin, V.V. Grechnev [et al.] // 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004): abstracts. - ESA, 2004. - COSPAR04-A-02676. - (CD-ROM) |