Статьи в иностранных журналах - 2013 год
Материал из ISTP SB RAS.
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Статьи в зарубежных журналах, включая переводные
- Afanasiev A.N., Uralov A.M., Grechnev V.V. Propagation of a fast magnetoacoustic shock wave in the magnetosphere of an active region // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №8. P. 594-602.
- Afraimovich E.L., Astafyeva E.I., Demyanov V.V., Edemsky I.K., Gavrilyuk N., Ishin A.B., Kosogorov E.A., Leonovich L.A., Lesyuta O.S. A review of GPS/GLONASS studies of the ionospheric response to natural and anthropogenic processes and phenomena // J. Space Weather Space Climate. 2013. Vol.3. P. A27.
- Alania M.V., Wawrzynczak A., Sdobnov V.E., Kravtsova M. Rigidity spectrum of Forbush decrease calculated by neutron monitors data corrected and uncorrected for geomagnetic disturbances // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P.012184.
- Alania M.V., Wawrzynczak A., Sdobnov V.E., Kravtsova M. Temporal changes in the rigidity spectrum of Forbush decreases based on neutron monitor data // Sol. physics. 2013. Vol.286, №2. P.561-576.
- Alissandrakis C.E., Kochanov A.A., Patsourakos S., Altyntsev A.T., Lesovoi S.V., Lesovaya N.N., Microwave and EUV Observations of an Erupting Filament and Associated Flare and CME // Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. 2013. Vol.65. № SP1. P. S8.
- Anfinogentov S., Nakariakov V.M., Mathiondakis M., Van Doorsselaere T., Kowalski A.F. The decaying long-period oscillation of a stellar megaflare // Astrophys. J. 2013. Vol. 773, №2. P. 156.
- Antonova A., Metodieva Y., Hallinan G., Doyle J.G., Yu S., Kuznetsov A., Golden A., Cruz K.L. Volume – limited radio survey of ultracool dwarfs // Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2013. Vol. 549. P. A131.
- Bakunina, I.A., Abramov-Maximov, V.E., Nakariakov, V.M., Lesovoy, S.V., Soloviev, A.A., Tikhomirov, Y.V., Melnikov, V.F., Shibasaki, K., Nagovitsyn, Y.A., Averina, E.A., Long-period oscillations of sunspots by NoRH and SSRT observations // Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. 2013. Vol. 65. № SP1. P. S13.
- Berngardt O.I., Dobrynina A.A., Zherebtsov G.A., Mikhalev A.V., Perevalova N.P., Ratovsky K.G., Rakhmatulin R.A., San'kov V., Sorokin A.G. Geophysical Phenomena Accompanying the Chelyabinsk Meteoroid Impact // Doklady Earth Sciences. 2013. Vol.452, №1. P. 945-947.
- Berngardt O.I., Kushnarev D.S. Effective subtraction technique at the Irkutsk Incoherent Scatter Radar: Theory and experiment // J. of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2013. № 105-106. P. 293-298. - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2013.03.023
- Bol'basova L.A., Kovadlo P.G., Lukin V.P., Nosov V.V., Torgaev A.V. Features of optical image jitter in a random medium with a finite outer scale // Atmos. Oceanic Opt. 2013. Vol.26, №2. P. 79-84.
- Chernov G.P., Sych R.A., Huang G.-L., Ji H., Yan Y.H., Tan C.-M. Concerning spikes in emission and absorption in the microwave range // Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2013. Vol.13, №1. P. 115-128.
- Chertok I.M., Abunin A.A., Belov A.V., Grechnev V.V. Dependence of Forbush - decrease characteristics on parameters of solar eruptions // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012150.
- Chertok I.M., Grechnev V.V., Belov A.V., Abunin A.A. Magnetic flux of EUV arcade and dimming regions as a relevant parameter for early diagnostics of solar eruptions - sources of non - recurrent geomagnetic storms and Forbush decreases // Sol. physics. 2013. Vol.282, №1. P. 175-199.
- Deminov M.G., Deminova G., Zherebtsov G.A., Polekh N.M. Statistical properties of variability of the quiet ionosphere F2- layer maximum parameters over Irkutsk under low solar activity // Adv. Space Research. 2013. Vol.51, №5. P. 702-711.
- Dmitrienko I.S. Evolution of FMS and Alfven waves produced by the initial disturbances in the FMS waveguide // J. Plasma Physics. 2013. Vol.79, №1. P. 7-17.
- Dvornikov V.M., Kravtsova M., Sdobnov V.E. Diagnostics of the electromagnetic characteristics of the interplanetary medium based on cosmic ray effects // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №4. P. 441-447.
- Egorov Ya.I., Fainshtein V.G. Study of CME properties using high resolution data // Central European Astrophysical Bulletin. 2013. Vol.37. P. 619-630.
- Eselevich V.G., Eselevich M.V., Zimovets I.V. Blast - wave and piston shocks connected with the formation and propagation of a coronal mass ejection // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №2. P. 142.
- Eselevich V.G., Eselevich M.V. The role of rising magnetic tubes in the formation of impulsive coronal mass ejections // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №11. P. 860-871.
- Fainshtein V.G., Egorov Ya.I. Investigation of CME properties using the data of SDO and PROBA2 spacecraft // Cosmic Research. 2013. Vol.51, №1. P.1-12.
- Fainshtein V.G., Malashchuk V.M., Stepanian N.N., Rudenko G.V., Egorov Ya.I. Magnetic connections of solar formations inside magneto - isolated complexes based on observations of arch structures and culculations of magnetic field lines // Bull. Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. 2013. Vol.109, №1. P. 104-110.
- Fleishman G., A. Altyntsev and N. Meshalkina, Microwave Signature of Relativistic Positrons in Solar Flares // Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. 2013. Vol.65. № SP1. P.S7.
- Gadzhiev G.D., Rakhmatulin R.A. Influences of solar and geomagnetic activity on health status of people with various nosological forms of diseases // Biophysics. 2013. Vol.58, №4. P.568-572.
- Gorbovskoy E.S., Lipunov V.M., Kprnilov V.G., Belinski A.A., Kuvshinov D.A., Tyurina N.V., Sankovich A.V., Krylov A.V., Shatskiy N.I., Balanutsa P.V., Chazov V.V., Kuznetsov A.S., Zimnukhov A.S., Shumkov V.P., Shurpakov S.E., Senik V.A., Gareeva D.V., Pruzhinskaya M.V., Tlatov A.G., Parkhomenko A.V., Dormodontov D.V., Krushinsky V.V., Punanova A.F., Zalozhnyh I.S., Popov A.A., Burdanov A.Yu., Yazev S.A., Budnev N.M., Ivanov K.I., Konstantinov E.N., Gress O.A., Chuvalaev O.V., Yurkov V.V., Sergienko Yu.P., Kudelina I.V., Sinyakov E.V., Karachentsev I.D., Moiseev A.V., Fatkhullin T.A. The MASTER - II Network of Robotic Optical Telescopes. First Results // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №4. P.233-286.
- Gosian S., Pevtsov A., Rudenko G.V., Anfinogentov S. First sinoptic maps of photospheric vector magnetic field from SOLIS/VSM: Non-radial magnetic fields and hemispheric pattern of helicity // Astrophys. J. 2013. Vol.772, pt.1. P.52.
- Grechnev V.V., Meshalkina N.S., Chertok I.M., Kiselev V. Relation between strong high - frequency microwave bursts and proton events //Publ.Astron.Soc. Japan. 2013. Vol.65. № SP1. P. S4.
- Grechnev V.V., Kiselev V., Uralov A.M., Meshalkina N.S., Kochanov A.A. An updated view of solar eruptive flares and development of shocks and CMES: History of the 2006 December 13 GLE- productive extreme // Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. 2013. Vol.65. № SP1. P.S9.
- Grechnev V.V., Kuzmenko I.V., Uralov A.M., Chertok I.M., Kochanov A.A. Microwave negative bursts as indications of reconnection between eruptive filaments and large-scale coronal magnetic environment // Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. 2013. Vol.65. № SP1. P.S10.
- Grigor’ev V.M., Ermakova L.V., Khlystova A.I. The coalescence of two rotating sunspots during the emergence of an active region // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №12. P.984-990.
- Grigorieva I.Yu., Livshits M.A., Rudenko G.V., Mysh'yakov I.I. Active regions near the recent solar-cycle minimum: relation between plasma heating and electrical currents // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №8. P. 611-621.
- Horne R., Glauert S., Meredith N., Koskinen H., Vainio R., Afanasiev A., Ganushkina N., et al. Forecasting the Earth's radiation belts and modeling solar energetic particle events: Recent results from SPACECAST // J. Space Weather Space Climate. 2013. Vol.3. P. A20.
- James M., Yeoman T.K., Mager P., Klimushkin D. The spatio - temporal characteristics of ULF waves driven by substorm injected particles // J. Geophys. Res. 2013. Vol. 118, №A4. P. 1737-1749.
- Kabanov D.M., Beresnev S.A., Gorda S.Yu., Kornienko G.I., Nikolashkin S.V., Sakerin S.M., Tashchilin M.A. Diurnal behavior of aerosol optical depth of the atmosphere in a few regions of Asian part of Russia // Atmos. Oceanic Opt. 2013. Vol.26, №6. P. 466-472.
- Kashapova L.K., Tokhchukova S.K., Rudenko G.V., Bogod V.M., Muratov A.A. On the possible mechanisms of energy release in a C- class flare // Central European Astrophysical Bulletin. 2013. Vol.37. P. 573-583.
- Kashapova L.K., Tokhchukova S.Kh., Zdanov D.A., Bogod V.M., Rudenko G.V. The Subsecond pulses during the 10 August 2011 flare by observations of RATAN-600 and the 4-8 GHz Siberian Solar Spectropolarimeter // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol. 53, № 8. P. 1021-1024.
- Khlystova A.I. The horizontal component of photospheric plasma flows during the emergence of active regions on the Sun // Sol. physics. 2013. Vol.284, №2. P. 343-361.
- Khlystova A.I. The relationship between plasma flow Doppler velocities and magnetic field parameters during the emergence of active regions at the solar photosphere level // Sol. physics. 2013. Vol.284, №2. P. 329-341.
- Kichigin G.N. On generation of ultra - high - energy cosmic rays in gamma - rays bursts // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012064.
- Kichigin G.N. Plasma heating in a variable magnetic field // Plasma Physics Reports. 2013. Vol.39, №5. P. 406-411.
- Kichigin G.N. Relativistic waves raised by explosions in space as sources of ultra - high - energy cosmic rays // Adv. Space Research. 2013. Vol.51, №2. P. 309-314.
- Kitchatinov L.L. Baroclinic instability of differentially rotating stars // Astronomy Letters. 2013. Vol.39, №8. P. 561.
- Klimenko M., Klimenko V., Korenkov Y.N., Bessarab F.S., Karpov I.V., Ratovsky K.G., Chernigovskaya M.A. Modeling of response of the thermosphere - ionosphere system to sudden stratospheric warmings of years 2008 and 2009 // Cosmic Research. 2013. Vol.51, №1. P. 54-63.
- Kobanov N.I., Kolobov D.Y., Kustov A.S., Chupin S.A., Chelpanov A. Direct measurements results of the time lag of LOS - velocity oscillations between two heights in solar faculae and sunspots // Sol. physics. 2013. Vol.284, №2. P. 379-396.
- Kobanov N.I., Chelpanov A., Kolobov D.Y. Oscillations above sunspots from the temperature minimum to the corona // Astron. Astrophys. 2013. Vol. 554. P. A146.
- Kochanov A.A., Sinegovskaya T.S., Sinegovsky S.I. High-energy cosmic ray muons in the Earth's atmosphere // J. Exp. Theoret. Physics. 2013. Vol. 116, №3. P. 395-413.
- Kochanov A.A., Anfinogentov S., Prosovetsky D.V., Rudenko G.V., Grechnev V.V. Imaging of the solar atmosphere by the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope at 5.7 GHz with an enhanced dynamic range // Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. Vol.65. № SP1. P.S19.
- Korenkov Y.N., Bessarab F.S., Klimenko V., Klimenko M., Ratovsky K.G. Effect of NO concentration disturbances on the global distribution of ionospheric parameters during geomagnetic storms // Russ. J. Physical Chemistry B. 2013. Vol.7, № 5. P. 632-640.
- Kotrc, P., Barta M., Schwartz P., Kupryakov Y.A., Kashapova L.K., Karlinsky M. Modeling of Ha eruptive events observed at the solar limb // Sol. physics. 2013. Vol.284, №2. P. 447-466.
- Kotrc P., Barta M., Kupryuakov Yu.A., Kashapova L.K. On a flat - shape emission in the solar flare on 7th June 2012 // Central European Astrophysical Bulletin. 2013. Vol.37. P. 555-562.
- Kotrc P., Barta M., Kupryuakov Yu.A., Kashapova L.K. On a signature of a flux - rope formation by Vortex motions in its footpoint // Central European Astrophysical Bulletin. 2013. Vol.37. P. 513-520.
- Kramynin A.P., Mordvinov A.V. Solar Activity Secular Cycles // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №8. P. 949-952.
- Kravtsova M., Sdobnov V.E. Cosmic ray rigidity spectrum and anysotropy during GLE on 14 July 2000 // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012143.
- Kravtsova M., Sdobnov V.E. July 2000 Forbush - effect from world network of cosmic ray stations // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012144.
- Kravtsova M., Sdobnov V.E. Rigidity spectrum of cosmic ray variations over the periods of large Forbush decreases during solar cycles 22 and 23 // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012145.
- Kravtsova M., Sdobnov V.E. Rigidity spectrum and cosmic ray anisotropy during sporadic events in July 2000 // Bull. Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2013. Vol.77, №5. P. 538-542.
- Kravtsova M., Sdobnov V.E. Rigidity spectrum of cosmic ray variations over periods of large Forbush decreases during the 22nd and 23rd solar cycles // Bull. Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2013. Vol.77, №5. P. 543-546.
- Kurt V.G., Yushkov B., Belov A.V., Chertok I.M., Grechnev V.V. Determination of acceleration time of protons responsible for the GLE onset // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012151.
- Kurt V.G., Yushkov B.Yu., Belov A.V., Chertok I.M., Grechnev V.V. Determining the instant of acceleration of protons responsible for the onset of ground - level enhancements of solar cosmic rays // Bull. Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2013. Vol.77, №5. P. 483-486.
- Kuznetsov A.A., Vlasov V.G. Formation of zebra pattern in low - frequency Jovian radio emission // Planet. Space Sci. 2013. Vol.75, №1. P. 167-172.
- Leonovich A.S., Kozlov D.A. Magnetosonic resonances in the magnetospheric plasma // Earth Planets Space. 2013. Vol.65, №5. P. 369-384.
- Leonovich A.S., Kozlov D.A. On balooning instability in current sheets // Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2013. Vol.55, №8. P. 085013.
- Livshits M.A., Belov A.V., Shakhovskaya A.I., Eroshenko E.A., Osokin A.R.,Kashapova L.K. Coronal mass ejection in July 2005 and an unusual heliospheric event // Cosmic Research. 2013. Vol.51, №5. P. 326-334.
- Lukovnikova A.A., Aleshkov V.M., Sdobnov V.E. Modernisation of cosmic ray stations of the Institute of Solar - Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science in order to do work in the real - time mode // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012153.
- Lutovinov A.A., Mironov A.I., Burenin R.A., Revtivtsev M.G., Tsygankov S.S., Pavlinsky M.N., Korobtsev I.V., Eselevich M.V. Identification of four X- ray sources from the INTEGRAL and Swift cataloges // Astronomy Letters. 2013. Vol.39, №8. P. 513-522.
- Mager P., Klimushkin D., Kostarev D.V. Drift-compressional modes generated by inverted plasma distributions in the magnetosphere // J. Geophys. Res. 2013. Vol.118. P. 4915-4923.
- Mager P., Klimushkin D. Giant pulsations as modes of a transverse Alfvenic resonator on the plasmapause // Earth Planets Space. 2013. Vol.65, №5. P. 397-409.
- Mazur V.A., Chuiko D.A. Kelvin-Helmgoltz instability on the magnetopause, magnetohydrodynamic waveguide in the outer magnetosphere, and Alfven resonance deep in the magnetosphere // Plasma Physics Reports. 2013. Vol.39, №6. P. 488-503.
- Mazur V.A., Chuiko D.A. Influence of the Outer-Magnetospheric Magnetohydrodynamic Waveguide on the Reflection of Hydromagnetic Waves from a Shear Flow at the Magnetopause Plasma // Physics Reports. 2013. Vol.39, №12. P.959-975.
- Medvedev A.V., Ratovsky K.G., Tolstikov M.V., Alsatkin S.S., Scherbakov A.A. Studying of the spatial-temporal structure of wavelike ionospheric disturbances on the base of Irkutsk incoherent scatter radar and Digisonde data // J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 2013. № 105-106. P.350-357. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2013.09.001.
- Mikhailov S.Ya., Grozov V.P. Recovery of the nonmonotonic altitude profile of the plasma frequency based on the ionospheric oblique sounding data // Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 2013. Vol.56, № 7. P. 399-412.
- Miroshnichenko L.I., Sidorov V.I. Cosmic ray in the " urustavi" Institute from archives of Nikolas Roerich Centre - Museum (Moscow) // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012207.
- Mishin V.M., Pu Z., Mishin V.V., Lunyushkin S.B. Short - circuit in the magnetosphere - ionosphere electric circuit // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №6. P. 809.
- Mishin V.V., Klebanova Yu., Tsegmed B. Solar wind inhomogeneity front inclination effect on properties of front - caused long - period geomagnetic puslation // Cosmic Research. 2013. Vol.51, №2. P. 96-107.
- Mordvinov A.V., Yazev S.A. Decay activity complexes and the formation of coronal holes // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №6. P. 448-457.
- Mordvinov V.I., Devyatova E.V., Kochetkova O.S., Oznibikhina O.A. Investigation of conditions for the generation and propagation of low - frequency disturbances in the troposphere // Izv., Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics. 2013. Vol.49, №1. P. 55-65.
- Moss D., Kitchatinov L.L., Sokoloff D.D. Reversals of the solar dipole // Astron. Astrophys. 2013. Vol.550. P. L9.
- Nosov V.V., Kovadlo P.G., Lukin V.P., Torgaev A.V. Atmospheric coherent turbulence // Atmos. Oceanic Opt. 2013. Vol.26, №3. P.201-206.
- Olemskoy S.V., Choudhuri A.R., Kitchatinov L.L. Fluctuations in the alpha - effect and Grand Solar Minima // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №6. P. 458-468.
- Olemskoy S.V., Kitchatinov L.L. Grand Minima and North - South Asymmetry of Solar Activity // Astrophys. J. 2013. Vol.777, №1. Art. No.71.
- Ozhogina O.A., Teplitskaya R.B. Center - to - limb variations of Ca II line brightness oscillations in the solar chromosphere // Astronomy Letters. 2013. Vol.39, №4. P. 279.
- Perevalova N.P., Polyakova A.S., Pogoreltsev A.I. Variations in the characteristics of acoustic gravity waves according to simulation data // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №3. P. 397-408.
- Peterova N.G., Topchilo N.A., Opeikina L.V., Agalakov B.V., Borisevich T.P., Lubyshev B.I. Anomalous polarization features of the cyclotron radiation source in the NOAA 7123 active region: the structure, dynamics, and reasons of occurrence // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №8. P. 1000-1006.
- Pipin V.V. Helicity - vorticity turbulent pumping of magnetic fields in the solar convection zone // Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics. 2013. Vol.107, №1-2. P. 185-206.
- Pipin V.V., Sokoloff D.D., Zhang H., Kuzanyan K.M. Helicity conservation in nonlinear mean - field solar dynamo // Astrophys. J. 2013. Vol.768, №1. P.46.
- Pipin V.V., Kosovichev A.G. The mean - field solar dynamo with a double cell meridional circulation pattern // Astrophys. J. 2013. Vol. 776. P.36.
- Pipin V.V., Zhang H., Sokoloff D.D., Kuzanyan K.M., Gao Y. The origin of the helicity hemispheric sign rule reversals in the mean - field solar - type dynamo // Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 2013. Vol. 435, №3. P. 2581-2588.
- Podgorny A.I., Podgorny I.M., Meshalkina, N.S. Relation between the active region magnetic field and solar flare // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №6. P.690-698.
- Polekh N.M., Ratovsky K.G., Deminov M.G., Kolpakova O., Kushnarenko G. P. Morphology of the G condition occurrence over Irkutsk // Adv. Space Research. 2013. Vol.52, №4. P. 575-580.
- Polyachenko E.V., Polyachenko V.L., Shukhman I.G. Radially anisotropic models of collisionless spheric stellar systems without central singularity // Astronomy Letters. 2013. Vol.39, №10. P. 676-688.
- Polyachenko E.V., Polyachenko V.L., Shukhman I.G. Stabilization of generalized polytropes // Astron. Nachr. 2013. Vol.334, №8. P. 789-792.
- Polyachenko E. V., Polyachenko V. L., Shukhman I. G. Equilibrium models of radially anisotropic spherical stellar systems with softened central potentials // Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 2013. V. 434. Р. 3208-3217.
- Polyakova A.S., Perevalova N.P. Comparative analysis of TEC disturbances over tropical cyclone zones in the North - West Pacific Ocean // Adv. Space Research. 2013. Vol.52, №8. P. 1416-1426.
- Potapov A.S., Polyushkina T., Pulyaev V.A. Observations of ULF waves in the solar corona and the solar wind at the Earth's orbit // J. Atm. Sol.-Terr. Phys. 2013. Vol.102. P. 235-242.
- Potapov A.S. ULF wave activity in high - speed streams of the solar wind: Impact on magnetosphere // J. Geophys. Res. 2013. Vol.118, № A10. P. 6465-6477.
- Pozanenko A., Volnova A., Guziy S., Tungalag N., Klunko E., Molotov I. Astronomical hosting in Central Asia // EAS Publication Series. 2013. Vol.61. P.495-497.
- Prosovetsky D.V., Grigorieva I.Yu., Kochanov A.A. Spectral characteristics of large - scale radio emission areas in coronal holes // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №7. P.867-870.
- Ratovsky K.G., Oinats A.V., Medvedev A.V. Regular features of the polar ionosphere characteristics from digisonde measurements over Norilsk // Adv. Space Research. 2013. Vol.51, №4. P. 545-553.
- Romanova E.B., Zherebtsov G.A., Ratovsky K.G., Polekh N.M., Shi J.K., Wang X., Wang G.J. Response of the Ionospheric F2-region Over Irkutsk and Hainan to Strong Geomagnetic Storms // Chinese Journal of Space Science. 2013. V. 33, № 5. P. 494-500.
- Rudenko G.V., Mysh'yakov I.I., Anfinogentov S. Determining the spatial configurations of the coronal magnetic fields of solar active regions // Astronomy Reports. 2013. Vol.57, №8. P. 622-635.
- Semenov A.I., Shefov N.N., Medvedeva I.V. Longitudinal variations in the Hydroxyl emission: 1. Temperature // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №4. P. 492-501.
- Stenflo J.O., Demidov M.L., Bianda M., Ramelli R. Calibration of the 6302/6301 Stokes v line ratio in terms of the 5250/5247 ratio // Astron. Astrophys. 2013. Vol.556. P. A113.
- Stepanian N.N., Akhtemov Z.S., Fainshtein V.G., Rudenko G.V. The height stratification of solar magnetic fields in cycles 21-23 // Bull. Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. 2013. Vol.109, №1. P. 115-123.
- Stepanyan N.N., Akhtemov Z.S., Fainshtein V.G., Rudenko G.V. Height stratification and polar reversal of the Sun's magnetic fields in cycles 21-23 // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. 2013. Vol.53, №8. P. 957-962.
- Tao W., Shi J.K., Wang G., Zherebtsov G.A., Potekhin A.P., Romanova E.B., Ratovsky K.G., Stepanov A. Occurrence time of ionospheric spread F observed over high latitude stations // Chinese J. Radio Science. 2013. Vol.28, №3. P. 472-478.
- Tlatov A.G., Illarionov E., Sokoloff D.D., Pipin V.V. A new dynamo pattern revealed by the tilt angle of bipolar sunspot groups // Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 2013. Vol. 432, №4. P. 2975-2984.
- Tsagouri I., Belehaki A., Bergeot N., Cid C., Delouille V., Egorova T., Jakowski N., Kutiev I., Mikhailov A., Núñez M., Pietrella M., Potapov A., Qahwaji R., Tulunay Y., Velinov P., Vil-janen A. Progress in space weather modeling in an operational environment // J. Space Weather Space Clim. 2013. V. 3. A17.
- Tyasto M.I., Danilova O.A., Sdobnov V.E. Comparing the geomagnetic thresholds of cosmic rays for two empirical models of the magnetosphere during the period of an extreme geomagnetic storm in November 2003 // Bull. Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. 2013. Vol.77, №5. P. 547-550.
- Tyasto M.I., Danilova O.A., Sdobnov V.E. Comparison of cosmic ray cutoff rigidities as culculated with two empirical magnetospheric models for the extreme event of November 2003 // J. Physics: Conference Series. 2013. Vol.409. P. 012224.
- Tyasto M.I., Danilova O.A., Ptitsyna N.G., Sdobnov V.E. Variations in cosmic ray cutoff rigidities during the great geomagnetic storm of November 2004 // Adv. Space Research. 2013. Vol.51, №7. P. 1230-1237.
- Vainio R., Heber B., Malandraki O., Papaioannou A., Klein K.-L., Afanasiev A., Agueda N. et al. The first SEPServer event catalogue ~68-MeV solar proton events observed at 1 AU in 1996-2010 // J. Space Weather Space Climate. 2013. Vol.3. P. A12.
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