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21. | Grechnev, V. V. | Plasma parameters in a post-eruptive arcade observed with CORONAS-F/SPIRIT, Yohkoh/SXT, SOHO/EIT, and in microwaves / V.V. Grechnev, A.M. Uralov, V.G. Zandanov, G.V. Rudenko [et al.] // Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. - 2006. - Vol.58, №1. - P.55-68. |
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23. | Grechnev, V. V. | Long-Lived Hot Coronal Structures Observed with CORONAS-F/SPIRIT in the Mg XII Line/ V.V. Grechnev, A.M. Uralov, V.G. Zandanov, S. Kuzin [et al.] // Solar System Research. - 2006. - Vol.40, №4. - P.286-293. |
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30. | Kazimirovsky, E. S. | Dynamical climatology of the upper mesosphere, lower thermosphere and ionosphere / E.S. Kazimirovsky, V.D. Kokourov, G.V. Vergasova // Surveys in Geophysics. - 2006. - Vol.27, №2. - P.211-255. |
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45. | Kurkin, V. I. | The dynamics of the auroral oval and ionospheric trough boundaries according to data from the DMSP satellites and ground-based ionosonde network / V.I. Kurkin, S.M. Matyushonok, O.M. Pirog, S.N. Ponomarchuk [et al.] // Adv. Space Research. - 2006. - Vol.38, №8. - P.1772-1777. |
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55. | Mager, P. | On impulse excitation of the global poloidal modes in the magnetosphere / P. Mager, D. Klimushkin // Annales Geophysicae. - 2006. - Vol.24, №10. - P.2429-2433. |
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