Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Vol. 9, Iss. 4, 2023

Материал из ISTP SB RAS.

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Journal Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Vol. 9, Iss. 4, 2023

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Krainev M.B., Bazilevskaya G.A., Kalinin M.S., Mikhailov V.V., Svirzhevskaya A.K., Svirzhevsky N.S. Fifty years of studying the GCR intensity during inversion of heliospheric magnetic fields. I. Observations 3–16 pdf
Meshalkina N.S., Altyntsev A.T. Bright ultraviolet knots as possible sources of coherent microwave radiation 17–24 pdf
Grigoriev V.M., Ermakova L.V. Active longitudes and the structure of the large-scale magnetic field at solar minimum 25–31 pdf
Tomozov V.M., Minasyants G.S., Minasyants T.M. Solar flares with sustained gamma-ray emission and some characteristics of high-energy proton fluxes 32-36 pdf
Borovik A.V., Zhdanov A.A. Dynamics of small-scale magnetic fields before small and large solar flares 37–45 pdf
Setov A.G., Kushnarev D.S. Correlation analysis of solar flux absolute measurements at 161 and 245 MHz 46-54 pdf
Yermolaev Yu.I., Lodkina I.G., Khokhlachev A.A., Yermolaev M.Yu., Riazantseva M.O., Rakhmanova L.S., Borodkova N.L., Sapunova O.V., Moskaleva A.V. Solar wind parameters in rising phase of solar cycle 25: Similarities and differences with solar cycles 23 and 24 55-62 pdf
Dorofeev D.A., Chernyshov A.A., Chugunin D.V., Mogilevsky M.M. Main statistical properties of hectometric continuum radiation in near-Earth space 63–71 pdf
Yakimchuk A.I., Rubtsov A.V., Klimushkin D.Yu. Polarization distribution of transverse ULF waves according to Van Allen Probe A data: Whether toroidal and poloidal waves exist separately in the magnetosphere? 72–77 pdf
Baishev D.G., Makarov G.A. Isolated substorms according to magnetic measurement at Tixie during minimum solar activity 78–82 pdf
Kurkin V.I.., Ilyin N.V., Penzin M.S., Ponomarchuk S.N., Khakhinov V.V. HF radio channel modeling by a waveguide approach 83–94 pdf
Kozlov S.I., Laykhov A.N. Photodetachment rates for О– and О2– in the D layer of the ionosphere as function of solar zenith angle and solar activity 95–98 pdf
Chernigovskaya M.A., Yasyukevich A.S., Khabituev D.S. Ionospheric longitudinal variability in the Northern Hemisphere during magnetic storms in March 2012 from ionosonde and GPS/GLONASS data 99-110 pdf
Belov I.O., Soloviev A.A., Pilipenko V.A., Bogoutdinov Sh.R., Kalinkin K.D. Online system for analyzing currents in the upper ionosphere according to Swarm satellite data 111–122 pdf
Mordvinov V.I., Devyatova E.V., Tomozov V.M. Influence of the magnetic field and the mean flow configuration on spatial structure and growth rate of normal modes 123–135 pdf
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