Публикации Климушкина Д. Ю. 2010-2012 гг.
Материал из ISTP SB RAS.
- Klimushkin D., Podshibyakin I.Yu., Cao J.B. Azimuthally small - scale Alfven waves in magnetosphere excited by the source of finite duration // Ten - Year Chinese - Russian Cooperative Research on Space Weather. - Beijing: CSSAR, 2010. - P.151-164.
- Klimushkin D., Mager P., Marilovtseva O.S. Parallel structure of PC 1 ULF oscillations in multi - ion magnetospheric plasma at finite ion gyrofrequency // J. Atm. Sol.-Terr. Phys. - 2010. - Vol.72, №12. - P.1327-1333.
- Klimushkin D., Mager P., Zolotukhina N.A. Spatio-temporal structure of poloidal Alfven waves in the magnetosphere // Космiчна наука i технологiя. - 2010. - Vol.16, №1. - P.42-50.
- Yeoman T.K., Klimushkin D., Mager P. Intermediate - m ULF waves generated by substorm injection: a case study // Annales Geophysicae. - 2010. - Vol.28, №8. - P.1499-1509.
- Мариловцева О.С., Климушкин Д.Ю., Магер П.Н. Приэкваториальный резонатор для УНЧ - колебаний с учетом примеси тяжелых ионов в магнитосфере // Солнечно - земная физика: сб. науч. тр. - 2010. - Вып.16 (129). - С.82-87.
- Klimushkin D., Mager P. Spatial structure and stability of coupled Alfven and drift compressional modes in non-uniform magnetosphere: Gyrokinetic treatment // Planet. Space Sci. - 2011. - Vol.59, №13. - P.1613-1620.
- Klimushkin D., Mager P. Coupled Alfven and drift - mirror modes in non - uniform space plasmas: a gyrokinetic treatment // Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2012. Vol.54, №7. P.015006.
- Klimushkin D., Mager P., Pilipenko V.A. On the ballooning instability of the coupled Alfven and drift compressional modes // Earth Planets Space. 2012. Vol.64, №9. P.777-781.
- Klimushkin D., Mager P., Glassmeier K.H. Spatio - temporal structure of Alfven waves excited by a sudden impulse localized on a L- shell // Annales Geophysicae. 2012. Vol.30, №7. P.1099-1106.
- Klimushkin D., Kostarev D.V. Two kinds of mirror models in a nonzero electron - temperature plasma // Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2012. Vol.54, №9. P.092001.
- Mikhailova O., Klimushkin D., Mager P. Pc-1 pulsations: the parallel structure in the plasma with the admixture of the heavy ions // Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics. 2012. Vol.2, №1. P. 88-90.
- Yeoman T.K., James M., Mager P., Klimushkin D. SuperDARN observations of high-m ULF waves with curved phase fronts and their interpretation in terms of transverse resonator theory // J. Geophys. Res. 2012. Vol. 117. P. A06231.
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