Публикации Алтынцева А. Т. 2000-2009 гг.

Материал из ISTP SB RAS.



[править] 2000

48. Altyntsev, A.T. On the origin of subsecond pulses at 17 GHz / A.T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Sol. physics. - 2000. - Vol.195, №2. - P.401-420.

[править] 2001

49. Altyntsev, A.T. A solar radio moving type IV burst of expanding arches type involving multi-sources / R. X. Xie [et al.] // Science in China. - 2001. - Vol.31. - P.80-86.

50. Алтынцев, А.Т. Детектирование ионосферного отклика солнечных вспышек по данным глобальной сети GPS / Э.Л. Афраймович [и др.] // Геомагнетизм и аэрономия. - 2001. - Т.41, №2. - С.208-214.

51. Altyntsev, A.T. Ionospheric effects of the solar flares as deduced from global GPS network data / E.L. Afraimovich [et al.] // Adv. Space Research. - 2001. - Vol.27, №6-7. - P.1333-1338.

52. Altyntsev, A.T. Ionospheric effects of the solar flares of September 23, 1998 and July 29, 1999 as deduced from global GPS network data / E.L. Afraimovich [et al.] // J. Atm. Sol.-Terr. Phys. - 2001. - Vol.63, №17. - P.1841-1849.

53. Altyntsev, A.T. On the initial phase of solar radio burst event on 23 September 1998. Recent Insights into Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions / Y. Yan [et al.] // Proc. IAU Symposium. - Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 2001. - P.338-341.

[править] 2002

54. Altyntsev, A.T. A flare of 23 September 1998 relation between temporal and spatial structures / A.T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Sol. physics. - 2002. - Vol.206. - P.155-176.

55. Altyntsev, A.T. A solar radio moving type IV burst of expanding arches type involving multi-sources / R. X. Xie [et al.] // Science in China. Suppl. - 2002. - Vol.45. - P.97-105.

56. Altyntsev, A.T. Use of Laser Technologies for Modernization of the Sibirian Solar Radio Telescope / A.T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Seventh Intern. Symp. on Laser Metrology Applied to Science, Industry, and Everyday Life (Novosibirsk, Russia, 19-13 September 2002). - Washington : SPIE, 2002. - P.119-131. - (Proceedings of SPIE ; Vol. 4900; Pt. One)

57. Altyntsev, A.T. An analysis of the spatial features of dfifting bursts in the microwave range / N. S. Meschalkina, A. T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Solar Variability: From Core to Outer FrontiersSept., 2002: proc. of the 10th European Solar Physics Meeting (Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 Sept., 2002). - Noordwijk, 2002. - P.343-346. - (ESA SP-506; Vol.1)

58. Altyntsev, A.T. Fine temporal and spectral features of the microwave bursts in relation to the development / N.S. Meschalkina [et al.] // Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers: abstracts of the 10th European Solar Physics Meeting (Prague, 9-14 Sept., 2002). - Prague, 2002. - Vol.26E. - P.151.

59. Altyntsev, A.T. Observations of microwave subsecond pulses with high spectral and spatial resolution / R A. Sych [et al.] // Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers: abstracts of the 10th European Solar Physics Meeting (Prague, 9-14 Sept., 2002). - Prague, 2002. - P.289.

60. Altyntsev, A.T. Observations of microwave subsecond pulses with high spectral and spatial resolution / R.A. Sych, A.T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers: proc. of the 10th European Solar Physics Meeting (Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 Sept., 2002). - Noordwijk, 2002. - P.761-764. - (ESA SP-506; Vol.2)

61. Altyntsev, A.T. The responce of the ionosphere to faint and bright solar flares as deduced from global GPS network data / E.L. Afraimovich [et al.] // Annals of Geophysics. - 2002. - Vol.45, Vol.1. - P.31-40.

62. Altyntsev, A.T. The maser mechanism for solar millisecond spike generation in inhomogeneous plasma / V.G. Vlasov, A.A. Kuznetsov, A.T. Altyntsev // Astron.Astrophys. - 2002. - Vol.382, №3. - P.1061-1069.

[править] 2003

63. Altyntsev, A.T. Observational evidence of very long period pulsations of solar coronal micro-wave radiation / Xie Rui-Xiang [et al.] // Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys. - 2003. - Vol.27(20). - P.158-166.

64. Altyntsev, A.T. On the origin microwave type U-bursts / A.. Altyntsev, A.A. Kuznetsov, N.S. Meschalkina, Yan Yihua // Astron.Astrophys. - 2003. - Vol.411, №2. - Р.263-271.

65. Altyntsev, A.T. The microwave subsecond pulse of September, 17: the spectrum, location and size of the sourse / A.T. Altyntsev, S.V. Lesovoi, N.S. Meschalkina et al. // Astron.Astrophys. - 2003. - Vol.400. - P.337-346.

66. Altyntsev, A.T. The observational evidence of microwave pulsations with very long periods in the corona. / R. X. Xie [et al.] // Acta Astron. Sinica. - 2003. - Vol. 44, № 1. - P.8-15.

67. Altyntsev, A.T. The radio signature of twisted magnetic ropes and reconnection site in the low corona / G.L. Huang, H.A. Wu, V.V. Grechnev et al. // Sol. physics. - 2003. - Vol. 213, № 2. - P.341-358.

68. Altyntsev, A.T. The Siberian Solar Radio Telescope: the current state of the instrument,observations, and data / V.V. Grechnev [et al.] // Sol. physics. - 2003. - Vol.216, №1-2. - Р.239-272.

69. Altyntsev, A.T. Type Radio Burst Associated With Type III Burst, Pulsation and Spike Emissions / M. Wang, R.X. Xie, C.C. Duan et al. // Sol. physics. - 2003. - Vol.212, №2. - P.407-424.

[править] 2004

70. Altyntsev, A.T. Refraction and scattering of radio emission from solar source due to coronal inhomogeneities / A.N. Afanasiev, A.T. Altyntsev // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Intern. Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg-Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004 ). - St.-Petersburg, 2004. - P.6.

71. Altyntsev, A.T. Refraction and scattering of radio emission from solar source due to coronal inhomogeneities / A.N. Afanasiev, A.T. Altyntsev // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: proc. of the 223rd IAU Symp. (St.-Petersburg, Russia, June 14 -19, 2004). - Cambridge: Univ. Press, 2004. - P.609-610. - (IAU Symposium and Colloquium Proceedings Series)

72. Altyntsev, A.T. Observations of microwave bursts with different types of fine structure using data with high spatial and spectral resolution /A.T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity: proc. of the 223rd IAU Symp. (St.-Petersburg, Russia, June 14 -19, 2004). - Cambridge: Univ. Press, 2004. - P.437-438. - (IAU Symposium and Colloquium Proceedings Series)

73. Altyntsev, A.T. Observations of microwave bursts with different types of fine structure using data with high spatial and spectral resolution /A.T. Altyntsev, N.N. Kardapolova [et al.] // Multi-wavelength investigations of Solar Activity: book of abstracts of the 223rd IAU Intern. Symp. (Russia. St.-Petersburg-Pulkovo, June 14-19, 2004). - St.-Petesrburg, 2004. - P.11-12.

74. Altyntsev, A.T. On the wave mode of subsecond pulses in the cm-RANGE / N.S. Meschalkina, A.T. Altyntsev, R.A. Sych et al. // Sol. physics. - 2004. - Vol.221, №1. - P.85-99.

[править] 2005

75. Алтынцев, А.Т. Распределенный комплекс управления Сибирского солнечного радиотелескопа /А.Т. Алтынцев, В.Д. Бармасов, А.В. Губин // Датчики и системы. - 2005. - №6. - С.6-9.

76. Altyntsev, A.T. Observations of "zebra" pattern in cm-range with spatial resolution / A.T. Altyntsev, A.A. Kuznetsov, N.S. Meschalkina, YanYihua // Adv. Space Research. - 2005. - Vol.35, №10. - P.1789-1794.

77. Altyntsev, A.T. On solar 5.7 GHz subsecond burst source sizes / N.S. Meschalkina, A.T. Altyntsev, S.V. Lesovoi, V.G. Zandanov // Adv. Space Research. - 2005. - Vol.35, №10. - P.1785-1788.

78. Altyntsev, A.T. On the origin of microwave zebra pattern /A.T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Astron.Astrophys. - 2005. - Vol.431, №3. - P.1037-1046.

[править] 2006

79. Алтынцев, А. Т. Видимые угловые размеры источников микроволновых субсекундных импульсов и флуктуации электронной концентрации в нижней короне Солнца / И.В. Чашей, В.И. Шишов, А.Т. Алтынцев // Астрон. журн. - 2006. - Т.83, №2. - С.282-288.

80. Алтынцев, А.Т. Исследование микроволновых дрейфующих всплесков по данным с высоким пространственным и спектральным разрешением / А.Т. Алтынцев, Н.С. Мешалкина [и др.] // Изв. РАН. Сер. физическая. - 2006. - Т.70, №10. - С.1478-1480.

81. Altyntsev, A.T. Effects of strong regular refraction in the solar radio pulse structure in spike events / A.N. Afanasiev, A.T. Altyntsev // Sol. physics. - 2006. - Vol.234, №1. - P.151-167.

82. Altyntsev, A.T. Apparent angular sizes of the sources of microwave subsecond pulses and electron-density fluctuations in the lower solar corona / I.V. Chashei, V.I. Shishov, A.T. Altyntsev // Astronomy Reports. - 2006. - Vol.50, №3. - P.249.

83. Altyntsev, A.T. Observations of quiet solar features with the SSRT and NoRH / V.V. Grechnev, A.M. Uralov [et al.] // Solar Physics with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph: proc. of the Nobeyama Symp. 2004 (Kiyosato, Japan, October 26-29, 2004). - 2006. - P.101-109. - (NSRO Report; No.1)

[править] 2007

84. Altyntsev, A.T. Microwave Type III-Like Bursts as Possible Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection / A.T. Altyntsev, V.V. Grechnev, N.S. Meschalkina, Y. Yan // Sol. physics. - 2007. - Vol.242, №1-2. - P.111-123.

[править] 2008

85. Алтынцев, А.Т. Диагностика процессов солнечной активности по динамике структур в микроволновом излучении короны Солнца / А.Т. Алтынцев, Д.В. Просовецкий, А.М. Уралов // Изменение окружающей среды и климата. Природные и связанные с ними техногенные катастрофы. Программа № 16 Президиума РАН: в 8-ми томах. - М., 2008. - Т.VIII: Солнечная активность и физические процессы в системе Солнце - Земля. - С.21-27.

86. Altyntsev, A.T. A broadband microwave burst prodused by electron beams / A.T. Altyntsev, G.D. Fleishman, G. -L. Huang, V.F. Melnikov // Astrophys. J. - 2008. - Vol.677, no.2 , pt.1. - P.1367-1377.

87. Алтынцев, А.Т. Многоволновый солнечный радиотелескоп / С.В. Лесовой, Е.Ф. Иванов [и др.] // Изменение окружающей среды и климата. Природные и связанные с ними техногенные катастрофы. Программа № 16 Президиума РАН: в 8-ми томах. - М., 2008. - Т.VIII: Солнечная активность и физические процессы в системе Солнце - Земля. - С.48-51.

88. Altyntsev, A.T. An Extreme Solar Event of 20 January 2005: Properties of the Flare and the Origin of Energetic Particles / V.V. Grechnev, V.G. Kurt [et al.] // Sol. physics. - 2008. - Vol.252, №1. - P.149-177.

89. Altyntsev, A.T. On bandwidth of solar subsecond bursts in cm-range / N.S. Meschalkina, A.T. Altyntsev, Yan Yihua // Adv. Space Research. - 2008. - Vol.41, №6. - P.936-942.

90. Altyntsev, A.T. A Broadband Microwave Burst Produced by Electron Beams/ A.T. Altyntsev, G.D. Fleishman, G.-L. Guangli, V.F. Melnikov// Astrophys. J. - 2008. - Vol.677, Pt.2 . - P. 1367-1377.

[править] 2009

91. Altyntsev, A.T. A World-Wide Net of Solar Radio Spectrometers: e-CALLISTO/ A. O. Benz, C. Monstein, H. Meyer, P.K. Manoharan, R. Ramesh, A. Altyntsev, A. Lara, J. Paez, K.-S. Cho// Earth, Moon, and Planets - 2009. - Vol.104, №1-4. - P.277-285.

92. Altyntsev, A.T. Response to stochastic acceleration in the flare microwave emission / A.T. Altyntsev, N.S. Meshalkina, G. -L. Huang // The IXth Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009, Irkutsk, Russia: program abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2009. - P.10-11.

93. Altyntsev, A. T. TEN-antenna prototype of the multi-frequency radio heliograph / S.V. Lesovoi, E.F. Ivanov [et al.] // The IXth Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009, Irkutsk, Russia: program abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2009. - P.16.

94. Altyntsev, A. T. NORP sub second pulse observations: statistical study and application for plasma diagnostics / N.S. Meshalkina, A.T. Altyntsev, R.A. Sych // The IXth Russian - Chinese Workshop on Space Weather. June 22-27, 2009, Irkutsk, Russia: program abstracts. - Irkutsk, 2009. - P.29-30.

95. Altyntsev, A.T. Ten-antenna prototype of a Radio Heliograph based on the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope / S.V. Lesovoi, A.T. Altyntsev [et al.] // Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. - 2009. - Vol.49, №8: Special Issue 2. - P.1125-1127.

96. Altyntsev, A.T. Eruptions of magnetic ropes in two homologous solar events of 2002 June 1 and 2: a key to understanding an enigmatic flare / N.S. Meshalkina, A.M. Uralov [et al.] // Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. - 2009. - Vol. 61, №4. - P.791-803.

97. Алтынцев А.Т. Памяти Владимира Георгиевича Леденева / Г.Я. Смольков, А.Т. Алтынцев, А. М. Уралов, Ю. М. Розенраух // Солнечно-земная физика. - Новосибирск: Изд-во Сиб. отд-ния РАН, 2009. - Вып.13(126). - С.86-87.

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