Международная деятельность 8 февраля - 25 июня 2021

Материал из ISTP SB RAS.

  • Parker Solar Probe Scholars;
  • Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions Workshop;
  • PLATO Mission Conference 2021;
  • AGU 2021 Fall Meeting;
  • XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium;
  • Конкурс 2021 года на предоставление грантов для реализации масштабных научных проектов мирового уровня

Международные конференции

Дата, место
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Темы, цели, задачи
Parker Solar Probe Scholars Second meeting on August 17-18, 2021, virtual https://sppgway.jhuapl.edu/psp_scholars The Parker Solar Probe team is launching a new meeting series, i.e., the Parker Solar Probe Scholars, to promote heliophysics research by early-career scientists. The new platform will provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, etc., to showcase their research, advance their careers, foster collaborations, and seek help when needed. It is also meant to promote diversity and interest in recent space missions (e.g., Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter), ground-based observatories (e.g., DKIST), and heliophysics in general, and do so in a friendly and collegial environment.
Whole Heliosphere and Planetary Interactions Workshop 13–17 September, 2021 NCAR/HAO Virtual Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline: June 30, 2021 https://cpaess.ucar.edu/meetings/2021/whole-heliosphere-planetary-interactions The goal of the workshop will be to foster collaborations across disciplines by providing a forum for comparing models and observations of specific aspects of the extended solar minimum time period in a truly interactive and collaborative environment. Research on all aspects of solar minimum modeling and observations are encouraged, including: the global connected structure of the heliosphere and planetary space environments/atmospheres, the origins and impacts of high-speed solar wind streams, CMEs from sun-to-heliopause, and comparative solar minima.
PLATO Mission Conference 2021: Exploring Exoplanets in the Habitable Zone of Solar-Like Stars 11–15 October 2021, virtual 2 July 2021: Deadline of abstract submission for oral contributions http://platomissionconference2021.iaa.es/ The major themes of the Conference are:
  • PLATO development status
  • Selection of the PLATO sky fields and the PLATO Input Catalogue
  • Light-curve analysis for detection and characterisation of long-period small planets
  • Asteroseismology and stellar characterisation
  • Advances in modelling stellar internal structure and evolution
  • Stellar activity
  • Ground-based observations for the confirmation and mass determination of planets, etc.
AGU 2021 Fall Meeting December 13–17, 2021, hybrid (virtual) The abstract submission deadline is 4 August 2021 https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting Every year, AGU Fall Meeting unites >25,000 attendees from 100+ countries in the Earth and space sciences community to discuss findings, connect scientists from around the world, advance our profession and connect over our passion for the impact of science. It convenes thousands of researchers, scientists, educators, students, policymakers, science enthusiasts, journalists and communicators who are driven to better understand our planet and environment, and our role in preserving its future. It is a results-oriented gathering rooted in celebrating and advancing positive individual and collective outcomes.

That’s why Science is Society is the AGU Fall Meeting 2021 theme.

XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium "The Sun and Heliosphere" 20–24 September 2021, virtual Abstract submission deadline: 15 August 2021 https://oh.geof.unizg.hr/index.php/en/meetings/xvii-hac Topics / Sessions:

1. Solar Interior, dynamo, large scale flows and the Solar Cycle

2. Dynamics and fundamental processes in the solar atmosphere

3. Eruptive Processes in the Solar Atmosphere

4. Dynamics of the Heliosphere, Solar-Terrestrial Relations, Solar Wind, Space Weather and Space Climate

Гранты и конкурсы

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Конкурс 2021 года на предоставление грантов для реализации масштабных научных проектов мирового уровня Минобрнауки России Предметом конкурса является отбор проектов, направленных на проведение масштабных научных исследований мирового уровня на зарегистрированных российских уникальных научных установках и получение результатов, имеющих прорывное решение ключевых исследовательских задач в мировой научной повестке. Масштабный научный проект мирового уровня должен быть направлен на проведение фундаментальных научных исследований по следующим тематикам:
  • Математические науки;
  • Физические науки и астрономия;
  • Науки о Земле и окружающей среде и др.
Дата и время окончания приема заявок - до 18 часов 00 минут московского времени 5 июля 2021 года включительно http://www.rsci.ru/grants/grant_news/284/243543.php

10:00, 25 июня 2021, Administrator,

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