Monthly seminar series of the IAGA “Geospace Data Assimilation Working Group” (GeoDAWG) | Seminars are held virtually at 11 am EST on the first Tuesday of every month. | Продробнее | GeoDAWG’s purpose is to provide a forum to aid in the discussion of data assimilative modeling methods across the geospace sciences. | |
Workshop on Current Challenges in Data Assimilation for Geospace Systems (GeoDAWG2023) | July 20-22, 2023; hybrid format/Neustrelitz, Germany | Registration deadline: 03 July 2023 | Подробнее |
The goals of the GeoDAWG2023 workshop are to identify common challenges in data assimilation applications to geospace systems faced by the GeoDAWG community, and to discuss collaborative strategies to tackle these challenges. The workshop will focus on some key questions typically faced by the participants:
XIV COLAGE – Conferencia Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial “Total Solar Eclipse” | 8-13 April 2024; Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico | Подробнее |
The focus of the upcoming COLAGE in Monterrey will include the following scientific fields:
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COLAGE International Space Science School (ISSS) | April 5–7, 2024; Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico | Подробнее | The school aims to promote knowledge and training for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral candidates, from all over the world, in the area of Space Sciences, covering topics such as the Sun and Solar Activity, Interplanetary Medium and the Solar Wind, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere, High Atmosphere, Planetary Sciences, and Space Weather. | |
The IAU Symposium 365 | 21–25 August 2023; Yerevan, Armenia/ hybrid format | Abstract submission deadline: 31 March 2023 | Подробнее |
The Symposium will bring together solar and stellar physicists investigating the dynamics of convection zones and lower atmospheres. It will be dedicated to observational and theoretical aspects of the hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, both global and local, of the solar and stellar convection zones and lower atmospheres with the inclusion of numerical simulations as a particular branch of theoretical research. Specific subjects to be discussed are as follows:
Call for Proposals for International Teams in Space and Earth Sciences | The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern and ISSI-Beijing | ISSI and ISSI-BJ invite scientists to submit project proposals for their International Team activity. International Teams are small groups of scientists involved in space research, working together on data analysis, theory and models. | Proposal Submission Deadline: March 16, 2023 | Подробнее на www.issibj.ac.cn |
VIII Международный конкурс на лучшую научную и учебную публикацию «Академус» (2023 г) | Издательский холдинг ИНФРА-М | Цель конкурса – продемонстрировать современные достижения в различных областях науки и образования, представленные в монографиях, учебниках и учебных пособиях, рассчитанных на аудиторию высших учебных заведений и учреждений средней профессиональной подготовки, а также привлечь читателей к содержащимся в них результатам, открыв для широкой публики новых талантливых авторов, стимулируя их, таким образом, к дальнейшей научно-исследовательской работе. |
Окончание приема рукописей: 1 декабря 2023 г. (https://infra-m.ru/uslugi/avtoru/competition_akademus/) | Подробнее на www.rsci.ru |